So I started dating this guy a few months back. I never had a bf before him and lost my virginity to him. Anyway, he said he had a girlfriend before but a part of me wonders if that’s true?

As a woman with no experience, apart to him, I can’t say I know what I’m talking about either but the way he approaches sex is starting to bother me a little. He’s always the one to initiate sex, and pretty much wants to do it every time, so he has a higher sex drive than me. I don’t mind, but when we get to the bedroom he pretty much skips foreplay and goes straight to penetration. The first time I thought this was normal, until I realize it was painful because I wasn’t wet enough. The second time I told him I needed more foreplay, he agreed but only did foreplay for like 2 minutes before going into penetration? After sex he does ask me if I came, and I did lie one time. The truth is, I’ve never come before and it’s because he has no clue what he’s doing, or where to touch. Even when he fingers me he goes straight to penetration. I move his hand to my clit and he does some confused stroking before penetrating again. Penetration does almost nothing for me, so reaching orgasm is near impossible.

A part of me feels a little annoyed, and hurt because he gets to come all the time. But on the other hand i feel like he just doesn’t know what he’s doing? Friends of mine have said he’s just being selfish, as most men would read up on how to please a woman so he should have some clue. What do you guys think? Any advice?

  1. *FACEPALM* Another fucking post about a guy not doing foreplay, COME ON MAN! foreplay is like 90% of the sex, well good sex anyways. Yeah this guy has NO idea what he is doing to pleasure a woman. Have a talk with him about what it is you need during sex and show him how to do it. Gotta teach him if he is open to it. If you’re into oral and you give him oral make that fucker get down there and do his job! You might have to get a little stank on it to make him know you mean business. If he isn’t willing to put in the work, move on point blank.

  2. You definitely need to talk to him and tell him skipping foreplay is not okay.

    He quite possibly may not have had a gf before. But if he is not willing to try to make you cum and do more foreplay, then he isn’t worth keeping.

  3. What you have is a selfish partner. Or a severely inexperienced/clueless one. I was inexperienced once upon a time but I knew you don’t just go for penetration straight away; you build up to it.

    You need to have a serious talk with him about what you want and what you need, and he needs to be receptive otherwise there is no point in you staying with him. Everything else in the relationship might be great, but this one aspect will eventually sour everything else. Relationships are about more than just sex, but sex is an important part and if that part isn’t working it will affect everything else in some way.

  4. Communicate. Tell him how you would like to be touched. Don’t stop until you tell him to.

  5. Some guys just don’t care. U should talk with him. Serious talk and see how it goes. If he doesn’t listen what u have to say and doesn’t improve dump him.

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