I am usually a very, very extroverted guy. Many people spread rumors constantly about me, though, from being gay (I have a girl) all the way to them accusing me of being a pedophile. I try to be friendly with everybody and help them out but whenever I speak people either pretend to ignore what I say or tell me to “shut the duck up” and it really gets on my nerves after months of slander. I don’t have great self awareness though so I might have been rude to them first by mistake. If there is anything I can do so that people respect me more, please inform me. I have no problem with people disliking me, but I wish to be treated as a human.

  1. I used to feel ignored as well. Even my brother used to tell me that my attitude and communication was rude even though I had no such intentions and wanted to be friendly with everyone.

    Until I decided to observe carefully how I talk with others. Just by doing this, I was able to find that I was indeed being rude without intentions. Just this observation itself slowly improved my relationships with others as I was able to be mindful while talking.

    PS: I am into spirituality. So maybe that also helped.

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