First off- I don’t mind at all. I had some internal muscle damage leading to anal sex actually being easier than vagina sex. Over time, we’ve worked through that and both anal sex and vagina sex is alright for me, both require almost the same amount of prep or stretching so I don’t particularly care.
My boyfriend on the other hand is precious and adorable. He absolutely adores my butt- even if not having anal sex. You bet he’ll be poking it or grabbing, it’s quite funny to me.
Anyways, he has some difficulty with orgasming which I don’t particularly care about, he does whatever he would like to do. He can get close in vagina sex and then lose it, likewise with BJ or handjobs. He’s managed to orgasm via vaginal sex once or twice, likewise with a handjob. However, the moment he’s in my ass, all bets are off. Statistically, if I want him to orgasm it’s likely going to be from anal sex.

Is it that different? The tightness distribution? The angle or ease for a man? Or is he just really really into my butt?

  1. It’s likely a tightness/pressure thing related to sensitivity.

    The only way I know of to correct that is a good two weeks of total abstinence, to let the sensitivity reset.

  2. Add a new toy..

    It’s called a Chasity cage. Lock him up and throw away the key… I kid about tossing the key.

    But supposedly that will help to enforce no masturbation rule.

    There are many cages, and dicks in cages can look very “cute”.

  3. Could by psychological. You mentioned medical issues you’ve had. He could be in his head thinking he could or is causing you discomfort.

  4. Does he have a porn problem? Wondering if he’s masturbating too much leading to inability to perform in bed. Anal is like a nuclear bomb. A guy is gonna be able to orgasm there no matter what, due to tightness.

  5. kind of unrelated but can i ask what led to the internal muscle damage because i might have something similar

  6. It is different of course. But as to why, it could be any and all of the above – he prefers that sensation, *and* he’s really into your butt. Since you don’t care, there’s no problem here 🙂

  7. > even if not having anal sex. You bet he’ll be poking it or grabbing

    Given that, it seems like he’s just really really into you’re butt. You can try the 2 weeks of resensitization to see if that helps.

    Another thing you can do is verbally engage his anal fetish during PiV or Oral. Tell him to look at it if he’s fucking you PiV during doggy.

    Talk with him outside of sex and say, you want to see if you can talk about your ass during a blowjob or vaginal, make him cum that way. Then he can let you know what ideas he has that might seem hot.

  8. I know at times when iv worked my wife up and got her proper wet that there us not alot of sensation for me. But what helps is if she massages my balls or grips my shaft by making a v with her fingers and holding it against her pussy putting a slight squeeze on my shaft.

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