I’m trying to have a conversation about music with someone. I shared an album I enjoyed and thought they might like as well. I found it after listening to a previous recomendation from them. They shared one in return and I’m listening to each song in order, trying to understand it. Aside from some of the lyrics I read, I’m not enjoying the music.

It would make good elevator music or background noise to fall asleep to. I’m not sure if that would be something rude to respond with though? Do I try for a more enthusiastic response? I know sharing things is personal and I don’t want to scare them away from sharing more music with me in the future.

Something like, “I listened to that album and it sounded really chill”? Not a lie and chill seems like a good descriptor.

I’ve been struggling with bonding over music. I won’t recognize a lot of what people listen to and won’t understand popular references. I’ll be in the car with others and they’ll all suddenly start singing along with the music that’s playing. I’m the only one not singing as I don’t memorize lyrics well. What few songs I do have memorized I had to spend a lot of time writing out the lyrics and practicing singing them while reading them.

A friend commented on my lack of singing recently. Is it really strange to not know the lyrics to random songs? I’ve never been an auditory learner and have to focus hard to make sure I’m understanding what is being said.

1 comment
  1. I think talking about music is my best social strength because it’s my favorite thing to talk about so i’ll give my opinion.

    I always try to say something positive about the music, even if I hate it, it’s art and there’s always something you can enjoy. If you like the lyrics say that, if you think it’s chill say that. If you can’t think of anything to say, try to relate it to a song or genre you like that has similarities, even if they sound wildly different, if you explain the tiny connection you made it will be at least funny. If it’s music that you can’t possibly get into, after saying what you like about the music say you’re not into this genre. Keep trying to find things you both are into.

    Asking questions about music you don’t understand is good too. It’s okay to not like certain genres. I’m sick of rap and my brain shuts off when my roommate plays Ice Spice, so I just don’t bond over that. Also it’s totally fine to not know lyrics, some people suck at remembering lyrics or enjoy the other aspects of music way more (like me.) If you know the melody just hum that, I just guess/mumble the lyrics and be fine with being wrong. I sometimes get teased but if someone genuinely judges you for not knowing lyrics they’re a dick.

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