Alright boys. I’m struggling everyday with splash back. I’ve tried everything from standing farther back, shooting from different angles and even a mix of starting close, moving backwards and then moving back up. I don’t know what to do here.

  1. Sit when you pee. It feels weird at first, but

    1. It’s your house, who cares?
    2. once you see your bathroom without piss splashes all over the place, you’ll never go back

  2. Ah, the joys of living in the country where you can just stroll out to the back porch and let fly.

  3. Sit to pee.

    You get a little sit-down break and can relax enough to really empty the bladder.

  4. There is no magic formula. It’s physics that there is going to be some splash back. (Seriously, there are videos of how far fecal matter in a toilet is spread throughout a house, just from flushing.)

    Unless you look like you peed your pants, you need to stop driving yourself crazy trying to fix a relatively non-issue.

  5. If it’s just a problem on your home turf, try adjusting the water level in the toilet bowl.

    Or, take a seat.

  6. Kneel down in front of the toilet so your pp is on the edge of the toilet. Less height, less velocity, less splash.

  7. Toilet bowl or urinal?

    Toilet? Sit and take that relaxing pause. Aw yeah.

    Urinal? Fun fact: the Dutch have it down to a science- they put a bee image at the best spot for minimal splash out. I’ve seen it here in the us as well.

  8. Simple mechanics. You want to avoid shooting at any surface perpendicular to the stream… because the resultant reactive force would go right back in the opposite direction. The sharper the angle of the surface you’re firing at, the further the ricochet will angle away from you. I mean yes, it will still splash, but it shouldn’t hit you.

    Also I forgot to add… pissing from higher up makes it worse. If you’re tall and / or have a tiny dick, just crouch or something. Work your leg muscles.

  9. Aim for the side just above the surface of the water.

    Urinals, it depends on the cake design. You’ll have to experiment with angles.

  10. How about wipe it up when you’re done if you can’t sit? Not hard, and should negate the issue of offensive odors.

  11. Toss a thick folded clump of toilet Paper so that it sticks to the bowl/water line and shoot

  12. Have small pee pee, decreases both the volume and pressure, makes the stream small and have too little force to splash all the way out.


    I usually have no problem unless there’s too much to unload. It’s about fluid pressure physics.

  13. Honestly? Sit and take a piss. As a bachelor who loves a clean house.. and cleans himself.. for the jokes of it, use a blackligjt/UV and you’ll see piss everywhere around the toilet / floor / wall. Will make you genuinely reconsider pissing whilst standing in your own home.

  14. Aim at the curve or above the water line but not near the top.

    It usually depends on the pressure that you’re giving it.

  15. Best way? Stick your foot in the toilet and piss down your leg. Splash free and silent!

  16. Its just piss dude. Don’t get your granny panties in a wad about a bit of splash back. It will dry and evaporate in a little bit.

  17. Lol you’re doomed… Fr u can’t figure out how not to ricochet piss back on yourself ?? 🤦‍♂️

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