whats the most fucked up thing someone has told you about themselves after barely getting to know them?

  1. A girl told me she’d been having sex since primary school, and that she didn’t mind when guys grabbed her breasts

  2. I was standing in the drink line at a party when this girl I’d been introduced to like 10 minutes before starts crying on my shoulder about how she’s never had an orgasm, hates her boyfriend, and really wishes she could be a lesbian but just isn’t attracted to women.

  3. A buddy of mine who happened to be my roommate was talking to this girl at one point. She talked a lot but was interested in the firearms I collected and wanted to know about them. After our little conversation I told her she should look into some classes and get herself a gun for her home. Her response? “Nah I can’t. Felony charge for Meth”
    Never would have guessed if she didn’t say anything. Weird.

  4. I worked at a juvenile detention center in Pittsburgh,PA. Some kids would be detained there until charged as adults, one kid found out he was going to be charged for a double homicide and decided to confess to me his crimes. Turned out he had killed 7 people for money starting at the age of 12. He was a fucking serial killer and needed to confess before heading to county jail. Just a chilling conversation.

  5. A dude in basic said that he used to beat up homeless people with his skateboard with his friends and that no one really cared because they homeless

  6. Hung out with this guy my friends were all familiar with, we went to a party with our mutual buddy. Mutual buddy drank too much so we brought him back to guys place and started to smoke weed. Like half way into the joint he says “Yeah if we’re going to be bro’s I don’t want you to think bad of me so I’m just telling you this now but theres some people spreading rumours about me saying I raped a chick. I obviously didn’t do it.” I got a weird feeling from him and asked around over the next few weeks, I ended up knowing the girl he did that too. He got her intoxicated to the point she passed out and she woke up to him doing shit to her and forced her. I think he knew I found out because I blocked him. I see him around and he gives me a shameful look now. He ended up being charged for it a couple months after we hung out.

  7. “Hey you’ve ever tried cocaine? Man I love cocaine”
    My newly hired delivery partner

  8. Man….there was this fucking weirdo at work who showed me pictures of his daughter passed out drunk and in her panties. He was so fucking giddy about showing off those pictures to people, as soon as I said “man I don’t wanna see that shit, get that away from me”. His whole attitude changed.

    A few weeks later he got arrested because it got out that he sexually abused and raped his daughter when she was young, like pre teen to teen years. And went to prison. Fucking guy gave me the creeps from day 1 and now I know why. God damn pedo…

  9. That a tattoo artist went down on them while doing a thigh tattoo, so she returned the favour in exchange for free ink. I believe this story because she willingly shared it after someone made a joke about having chlamydia. In your eye. So, you know, rather than just let me sit there and not understand the in-joke she told me the story.

    I guess we more than barely knew each other, but we didn’t know each other well enough for that.

  10. My ex told me about her “first boyfriend” a month or so in out of the blue.

    Basically, she was in grammar school in a small town, and there was this adult who hung around, would walk her to and from school, and gave her her first kiss and a warning to not tell her mom 🙁

    The way she said it was so…flat. And it was so out of left field. It was like she either didn’t know how fucked up it was and just thought about it randomly, or DID know and didn’t know how to bring it up organically, so she just tossed it out there.

    That was a yikes moment.

    I believe my response was “Oh. Wow.”

    What do you say to someone who randomly tells you they were groomed and sexually assaulted as a pre-teen?

  11. Women I’ve dated have told me:

    “I live with my ex-boyfriend but we do not have sex or anything. Yes, he is single. No, he isn’t dating anyone.”

    “I plan to renovate a used van and live in the van. I will park somewhere in San Francisco and just enjoy the life.”

    “Let me dowse with my stick to determine how long you will live. O.K., if you live with me, 86. If you go your own way, only 76.”

    “I got stuck in traffic driving back home and my car’s head gasket blew out. I don’t think we should see each other, because you live too far away.”

  12. A friend of mine basically unloaded his life story and came out as gay to me the first time we met at a function for our kids. He was going through a lot and had recently divorced and was kind of finding himself at the time. He covered the marriage, affairs, bankruptcy, finding out he was gay, being harassed by his ex wife.
    It was quite the introduction. Lol

  13. My girlfriend at the time now wife and I were at some parade while she was pregnant. A girl we knew by name and that’s it came up said hi and in brief conversation said she had two abortions already. Why say that to a pregnant woman?

  14. Was at a bar with a friend and we wound up having drinks with a couple of girls, after a while one of them mentioned they had a kid who recently died. Wasn’t prepared for that one.

  15. Was at a homie’s house and his gf’s friends were there. Never met them in my life but we go to smoke and one of them starts talking about their issues and how they had an S.O kill themselves. Definitely a unique conversation with people I just met.

  16. I sat down next to a guy who looked kinda like me. Bit shaggy, average build white guy with some facial hair. Thought he could be a friend.
    This was a culinary class in college.
    Almost immediately he began telling me he was in this class to be a butcher and he loved carving things, all with what I assume to be a fake creepy smile on his face. Then launched into how his girlfriend and unborn infant died in a car crash recently.
    Bruh I didn’t even introduce myself yet. Got to know him a bit more. He’s crazy but a decent guy.

  17. When i was a cashier this customer told me she sold her house and was taking a vacation because her husband fried himself to death doing electrical work while she was out

  18. I had this coworker who on his first day of the job the first thing he ever said to me was him asking me if I wanted to fuck his girlfriend…

  19. how she was lusting after her husband’s best friend and how said best friend only dates trashy sluts and he’d be so much better off with her than with them….and this was within 1hr of meeting her.

  20. Nurse here, training another nurse in a hospital setting. Her first night of orientation, within the first hour, she randomly tells me she is getting divorced because her husband can’t get it up anymore and she was cheating on him with her current boyfriend. We were having a conversation related to work, showing her how the electronic charting system worked. Totally random comment and I didn’t even know what to say, very awkward. She has continued to do this too, very much an inappropriate over-sharer.

  21. She got caught up in a pyramid scheme. Her biggest regret about it was not being able to join it sooner so she could’ve made more money.

  22. I work in sales and I genuinely hate when grown men come to me and start talking about their divorces. They go too much into detail and I have to stop them because I’m not there to be a therapist.

    Are you fuckin buying today?

  23. I was training a new ranger, first night on the job. Driving through the park and out of the blue, this guy tells me that he is ” hung like a horse, you’ve never seen a cock as big as mine.”

    I called bullshit.

    He called me a queer for wanting to see his junk.

    His career lasted 3 hours.

  24. Used to work in Law Enforcement, had a conversation with somebody arrested for shop lifting. He told me about his drug and mental health problems. Then he told me how he was high in a drug house. And how he removed an eye from another junkie who was passed out. And that he ate the eyeball.

    Didn’t believe it first, checked the system… yes he did so that.

  25. Once i had a thing with this guy i recently met (we dont know each other much) he told me he has a child in the US and that he doesn’t want to acknowledge it to the extent that his father went to America to register the child and help with all the paper work after the mother started texting everyone in the family and friends (because he got her pregnant and left usa forever) and his dad sends money to the single mother while this man is living his life like this kid doesn’t exist. And he is an adult (above 28)

  26. Long ago, when I was a single man, I met a girl at a restaurant. Within five minutes (max) of speaking with her, she told me she had a third nipple.

    Within 15 minutes, she showed me.

    Later that day, I put it in my mouth.

    I regret nothing.

  27. Was on a date years ago when the girl, 30 minutes in, starts crying loudly in the middle of a restaurant telling me how her uncle molested her for years as a child. Put a slight damper on the rest of the evening. I was at a complete loss for words other than I’m sorry.

  28. A dude whose ass I saved on an electrical engineering project invited me to hang out with him and two girls he had been hooking up with at the lake, he told me about his side hoes and we became good friends quickly. We’re still very close friends.

  29. This didn’t happen to me. But the story always sticks in my head. It’s a friend of a friend type story but I’ve checked it out and my friend did know this person well.

    Couples wedding day. All seems to be going well at the party everyone’s having a good old drink. For some reason the bride wants to pop home, just round the corner. She goes with her husband but only he returns, he’s hitting the drinks hard at this point and seems sketchy. His friend asks what’s wrong, asks if the bride is ok, the groom says no she’s not ok, I just killed her. The friend laughs it off but runs round to find the bride dead. For some reason he’d killed her with a hammer and gone back to the party.

  30. My Airbnb host told me I could use her kitchen to cook during the stay. The first night, when I went to cook dinner, she told me the story of how she was the victim of human trafficking for 12 years and then how when she escaped, she was being hunt down by loan sharks for another 5 or so years.

    Then she told me how to use the oven

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