Now I know it’s not good to have sex with a friend and a friend you used to have feelings for, but I’m the type of person who likes to feel things. I find him very attractive and I used to like him a lot but with time and doing things with other people those feelings have subsided a bit. Now the thing is we have great chemistry and for a while sex has been bland and I haven’t been enjoying it as much. Recently we’ve been talking more and the topic of sex comes up a lot. The things he talks about is everything I want and I just want to experience it myself.

Now the problem is a couple days ago he said no girl could handle him because he was too big. I asked for his size and he said around 10 inches. Now I look at his crotch a lot and I would’ve never guess that. I think he might be overestimating as he said he used his phone to measure so it’s def more than 6 inches. I’ve never been with anyone over 7 inches and those I can manage with slight discomfort but I can take it for a bit. He says he’s never been satisfied because of his size and I want to please him but if I can’t do a good job I feel like it would make our relationship weird. Any tips on what could help?

Also just to add in I joke around about wanting to have sex with him but I think he just thinks I’m being playful. I have no idea if he wants to do anything serious with me and we don’t have any plans to I was just curious.

  1. I mean here is the thing, if he really is 10”, it is probably going to hurt and feel uncomfortable. (Hear that guys! Women don’t need a giant – porn sized dick.)

    Maybe you can joke around with him, and say that you would like to try to take it and see what happens. That way if things don’t work out you can shrug it off.

    But if you really like him, and after trying to have sex you realize that it isn’t going to work, I doubt you relationship can just go back to normal. So that is something you are going to have to decide.

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