Throwaway account as my significant other sometimes visits. Ok. My (38F) last boss was a freaking fox. I spent the five years I worked with him masturbating to thoughts of him daily. I’ve had orgasms while asleep just from dreaming of him. There was some very subtle flirting IRL, but never a single thing that was physical. He is/was married and I have a longtime lover as well. I just am incredibly turned on by him, and thought that made perfect sense due to his intelligence, his body, his face, his wealth, etc. He was a decade older than me and was high-up in the company. Very well-respected. Just an overall great catch. I’m now beginning to see that there was really more going on than just being attracted to him. I seem to have this obsession with bosses or authority figures? I’m not sure and just trying to figure it out.

I lost that old job with the foxy boss and am in a new position with a new company. I again have a male boss, and he is very much not my type. He’s around my same height, is slight in build, and looks sort of like a hipster, which is just not my thing. Even though I intellectually know he’s not my type, I’m becoming obsessed with him. I stalk his social media and spend way too much time trying to imagine what he likes in a woman and how I can turn him on. I’ll be in my office fantasizing about going to his office and giving him a BJ. What the hell is wrong with me? I love my significant other and have never cheated. I do not even like this guy, but I can’t stop shopping for new makeup and dresses and trying to figure out what would make him see me as sexy and desireable. Does anyone have any advice? I don’t even know exactly what I’m asking… I just don’t want to be obsessing over this guy for no reason. How do I get him out of my head and just see him as a boss and not as a guy I need to seduce for some reason?? WTF. He’s married too, by the way, with at least two little kids. Short of quitting and finding a job with a female boss, does anyone have any thoughts or advice for me?

1 comment
  1. Maybe you’re just transferring your infatuation from your old boss to your new one because among many things it’s nice to have a perpetual source of fantasies

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