Do I need to tell them why I can’t? I actually encounter this a lot as I have a lot of medical issues. But this is the situation:

I met someone who offered to read something I wrote and they actually read it and want to talk about it. I’m stoked!! But I’m also having a really rough time right now (medical issues) and I just don’t have the mental bandwidth or even physical energy to meet up with them this week.

I was planning to say: (really appreciate you reading this blah blah blah)

“Are you free to meet at x cafe next Wednesday around x time? Could also do another time/day, let me know what works for you!”

I just worry that a week and a half is too far away or that he will think I don’t appreciate that he read it. He said he read it right away and when I saw him briefly a couple days ago he was so excited to tell me what he thought and asked to meet up so we could talk more about it.

Should I mention that I’m not feeling well and that’s why I can’t meet till next week? Do people expect an explanation or do I need to get comfortable with not explaining myself? I have a couple chronic illnesses and I will always have periods where I just can’t be social. Have to manage my spoons. I am still trying to understand how to navigate this with people who don’t know me and my medical history. I worry people will think I’m flaky and/or don’t care, when I’m reality I’m just limited by my situation.

Thank you!!

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