The world is full of beauty no doubt. Sometimes I sit and think to myself if I can really be committed to one person with so much beauty around me. Do you guys also feel the same way from time to time?

  1. Open relationships are a thing. Just need to make sure your partner is down with it early on

  2. You’re just not done playing the field. Eventually you’ll find somebody who is beautiful and you’ll love her so deeply, that sure there will be hot girls around you, but they won’t hold a candle to the woman you is playing with you hair while you watch episodes of you favorite show after you cooked dinner together. So get all that hound dog behavior out of system and then you’ll start to realize that beauty is so much deeper.

  3. Thing is, if you get into a relationship with the right person, they’ll become the most beautiful in the world for you. Interesting how that works.

  4. The right woman will become your right woman when you come to know her beyond physical attractiveness. Happiness in monogamy comes from putting in the time and work to build a relationship. You will desire a woman because of who she is and how she makes you feel, not what she looks like.

    However, physical attraction is important in a relationship. Don’t build up the “perfect” woman in your head because you will never be happy. No woman will be good enough. Instead, find specific features you do find beautiful or sexy or attractive and appreciate those in the woman you date.

    This is all off the top of my head and doesn’t represent the most detailed response one could give but I remember feeling the way you did once upon a time. I eventually met the man for me and I found him more physically beuatiful, sexy, and exciting the more I got to know him. Ten years on he is my perfect man because of our relationship.

  5. No.

    Your thinking is extremely shallow. Which is fine, assuming you’ve never been in a loving relationship. We all have turning points when it comes to relationships. There is so much more to being committed to someone than their looks. If you can’t find any depth, then you are always going to be distracted by the physicality of the beautiful people around you, and have a hard time committing.

  6. Sometimes. I dated someone for 2 years, they lived with me, and tho I had to end things I’ll never forget how beautiful she was. I haven’t found someone that took my breath away like that since.

  7. >Sometimes I sit and think to myself if I can really be committed to one person with so much beauty around me.

    All that beauty also has a whole lot of issues, no one is perfect and we all bring our own baggage along.

    With more relationship experience you will learn what other things are important to you (including physical attraction) for a long term relationship, and highly value the individual things in a quality partner.

    If you are just looking for partners based on their appearance their is no reason to settle down. Settling down with someone with only that criteria would be a terrible fucking idea anyway.

  8. >Sometimes I sit and think to myself if I can really be committed to one person with so much beauty around me.

    Exactly what does commitment mean to you?

    And have you ever actually formed an emotional bond with another person?

  9. Eye candy will always be out there dude. But when you really love a woman, you don’t want any of that candy out there. You just want her. Even when she’s smelly and ugly at 6am. You still just want her. Until you find a love like that, yeah you’ll probably just chase the pretty ones. Unfortunately to find love like that you have to look beyond their exterior beauty, and sometimes it’s hard to do that.

  10. Frankly I’m not on the same page as most of these responders. I’ve had a couple of wonderful long term relationships in my life (12, 5 years) but the love and attraction I’ve felt has always faded.

    I’ve become incredibly jaded with age and consider attraction a bit of an illusion now. A part of me wishes I could hold that illusion again but more realistically I just want to become more comfortable having flings with those who I know I wouldn’t commit to.

  11. I’ve got kids and a business, I haven’t got time to chase different women these days and prefer the company and love of a good loyal woman. Besides, chasing looks is like chasing money, you can never get enough money, just like there will always be someone conventionally better looking than however you’re with. Gotta appreciate that beauty within as well as what’s outside

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