hi, i really need someone’s opinion on wether this boy is being friendly or likes me.

when we first started high-school he was in most of my classes for around the first 2years, now he’s only in a few. we’ve gotten quite friendly as we have some of the same friends. we snapchat everyday and have a good streak but sometimes it’s dry snaps. i often catch him looking at me in class and i turn and smile at him, we have good banter and like to make jokes with each other. i added him to my private story on snapchat where i post to my friends, i posted a story about not feeling well and he text me and asked if i’m okay, to i replied no and he wanted to know why. just recently tho he has become a little more awkward around me when we are with friends and only really talks to me if someone else does first. we have never really had a flirty relationship or am i missing somthing? i don’t want to jump to conclusions and embarrass myself but i have liked him for a while now.

thanks you for readying any idea as of tho he does or doesn’t ?

  1. It sounds like he may, but the only way you can know for sure is by actually asking him. Have you considered asking him out?

  2. He’s probably nervous, or not sure if you like him either. I’d compliment him in person and see how he reacts or if he compliments you back.

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