What are some useful rules to know about while being in a relationship with a woman, why?

  1. Listen to her, accept what she has to say, but also let your point be known. Compromise on both of your views with different things. Be kind and tolerant but don’t change your ways. Always compliment her for the very reason you know she is beautiful on the inside.

  2. When she says “No I’m good” when you order food at the bar, go ahead and get an extra side of fries.

  3. Never get involved in any disputes your gf has with any of her siblings. Just be understanding but never try to join and insult their sibling. I once dated a girl that went on a rant how she hates her sister and how she’s such this and that. I’m like yeah you’re right she’s an absolute bitch. She goes silent first then proceeds to yell at me for insulting her sister. She even tells her sister that I called her a bitch. So then her sister ended up hating me the entire time I was dating this girl.

  4. Treat each other as equals – nobody on a pedestal, nobody gets talked down to. A good, long term, healthy relationship needs this.

  5. You arent equal – you are complimentary.

    Never compromise. It leads to unhappiness. Instead decide if.it is the hill you want to die on. If so, die on that hill. Otherwise, yield.

    Dont be weak. Women *despise* weak men over a long term (and short term)

    Sleep in the same bed. Fuck often. Go out often. Throw her against a wall on a way to dinner. Or on a way back. Her panties belong on a floor. Or in your pocket.

    Be decisive when needed. He should know the difference between “this is all fun and games” and “this is serious” without you needing to say it.

    If she asks you to do something just do it.

    5x toliet paper than you thought you need.

    Have extra shirts.

  6. Start first with making your top priorities be all about you, how you feel about her, and what your needs are rather than the other way around. Things go wrong in relationships when you start sacrificing your standards and your happiness because society tells you that’s what you are supposed to do. Trying to be something you are not or putting your needs lower than hers will just ultimately make you miserable in the relationship and, by extension, her as well.

    Women (and people in general) aren’t NPCs in a game where there is some exact sequence of dialogue and actions that you must execute and you win or lose. If she is into you, there will be a wide tolerance for things you can say or do where she will give you the benefit of the doubt. If she isn’t into you, that’s when you’ll find every word and action of yours being nitpicked.

    I guess the point of my rambling is that there really aren’t any “rules” and things are going to go downhill when you start thinking of it that way and obsessing with trying to find exactly the right behaviors that please her.

  7. Write down EVERYTHING.

    Her sizes in the brands she likes, shoe preferences, favorite colors, important dates to her, things she doesn’t like to eat, places she wants to go, turn offs and turn ons, things troubling her, etc. I promise you there’s things she’s gonna say once, and she expects it to be burned into your memory.

    If you’re like me and suck ass at remembering things like this, it will go a long way. Women like to know that you truly listen or at least genuinely attempt to remember things.

    Also, and this is something I personally tell everyone I know at least once every two months or so, go on a “new” date. Like a new city, stay at a new hotel, eat at a new restaurant, entirety new outfits for both of you, try a new drink/dish. She’ll love that shit man.

    And always order second if you don’t have a lot of money atm. Feeding her comes first so let her get the lobster and you get the chicken.

  8. Don’t clean out the refrigerator without letting her know. You might accidentally throw out her sandwich and break her heart.

  9. When arguing let her air it all out, eventually she’ll forget the point she was trying to make and its easier to call her out on her craziness

  10. she never owes you anything. not financially, not emotionally. NOTHING.

    but you are obligated to her for damn near everything, every.single.time.

  11. It’s a give and take. You have to make concessions. But also, listen to yourself. Don’t rationalize crazy, don’t trivialize abuse, don’t ignore misery. Most importantly, establish boundaries. Boundaries go both ways and you need to respect that.

    Basically, what are you willing to give and is that in line with what they want?

  12. Hide a good portion of your money from her. Gold bullion coins are good for this. Keep them in a fire safe and do not tell her about it. You’ll need it someday.

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