Clearly, his interest has faded. He came on so strong but not even in a love-bombing, fake way. He took real interest in who I was and I thought we were building something real. But ever since we had sex he’s gone from blowing up my phone to taking 6+ hours to respond to a single text.

Guys, why do you do this?! Is it even on purpose or do you just not realise you don’t want anything more with us until you’ve actually slept with us?

  1. It doesn’t take much to pretend to get to know someone for a few months. Guys do anything to get laid even if they’re not interested in you.

  2. There are many different possibilities. Maybe you are not as sexually compatible or don’t have as much chemistry as you might have thought and he can’t verbalize that. Maybe he is not interested in a relationship now. Maybe he lied all of this time to get in your pants (because some people, unfortunately, are like that).

    Anyways, you should consider cutting him off before you get your heart broken, luv. I know, it must be difficult when you let yourself be vulnerable and really get to know someone only for them to do you dirty like that, but I’m sure you’ll have it much better in the near future.

    Best of luck 🙂

  3. It’s like food if a kid can’t get food he starts stealing if he doesn’t have the proper figure in his life, a man the same thing doesn’t get laid because of his looks turns to lies and deception to get what he wants. It’s like choosing fast food or taking an hour to prepare a meal lol. A woman can get laid whenever she wants for the most part just how it is. And once a man conquers a woman he got what he wanted and that’s all that matters. It’s how some people function. He just keeping you arms length in case he wants to fuck again. Or he is just busy and we don’t have your same perception to give you accurate advice.

  4. Could of been he didn’t like the sex or that he was just putting on a show to get what he wanted.

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