In times of extreme stress (work, personal, emergencies), I have craved sex and my wife has usually been my support in helping me out. Almost always, this has worked – is this only unique to me or others have experienced this as well – does this apply across genders ?

  1. Well sometimes sex is the best stress reliever. I have experienced it. Most recent example…..When my grandmother passed… we where very close and I was very sad. Well we where at the funeral and I left my daughters with my aunt and grabbed my husband fucked in the car came back still sad but idk horny.

  2. Nah, when I’m stressed out, work, home, anything really, I definitely find myself wanting to just be submissive to someone and just get boned…I think it’s normal

  3. I’m definitely this way also. Sex is a stress reliever and an ‘escape’ from real life. A post orgasm nap can be some of the best sleep ever.

    Some get too stressed for sex, which I totally do not understand all. However, I know that’s just they way they are made, but I still don’t get it.

  4. Is it common?who knows but it isn’t unusual. The real issue arises when one partner does get relief from sex and the other can’t even think about sex when they’re anxious. That’s when the trouble starts. It’s therapeutic for one and hell for the other.

  5. Read Come as you are by Emily Nagosaki. She explains it in her book! Completely normal

  6. Nope. This is me for sure. Unfortunately it’s not my partner’s default setting!

  7. Recently my wife and I had water enter our basement from an old fireplace during a huge rainstorm. I was at work and she was working from home. She called me panicked and I came home. We got it stopped, assessed damage and started in on cleanup.

    We were taking a break from cleanup to eat lunch and I felt it, brought it up to her and she smiled and said she was feeling it too. We ended up having a nice quick little session together. Then when about the rest of our cleanup.

    I think the stress and then coming together in the stress triggered it for us and we needed the relief.

  8. I’m this way too and I’ve been in relationships where the other person was not so it was hard to navigate.

  9. Not just you. After all, if you are in mortal danger it makes sense to get a physical prompt to try and pass on your genes. I get it when I’m ill too. I’m sick, I could die, quick, make a baby as a back up copy…

  10. I crave it every other day even though it’s not good for my health and my partner is geographically far away.

    And we are advised not to suppress cravings of any kind.

    That’s pretty much why I joined this sub reddit just to let it out in some manner

  11. I want it when I am stressed. Wife doesn’t even want to be touched when she is stressed. Guess how that is working out for me?

  12. The wife and I generally have a sex date planned for Friday evenings. On a Friday not to long ago she stops me and asks if we can postpone to another day over the weekend because she had a stressful week at work, we had been going non stop after work hours and she was looking forward to relaxing.

    Obviously, I agreed. We’d have plenty of time for intimacy later that weekend. But the only thing I could think of was that her list for not wanting to have sex that night was exactly the same as my list for why I was looking forward to it.

    I say that to say, some people are into, and for some stress has the opposite effect.

  13. In times of stress, in times of loneliness, in times of happiness…haha. This is like asking your dog if he wants a cheeseburger. Arf!

  14. Nah… I’m a woman and I crave sex when I’m stressed. The feeling of being wanted, the dopamine rush and oxytocin from the physical intimacy really helps me cope and pick me up when I’m feeling like mentally I’m being pulled in all directions.

  15. Lol nah. I have a very high libido that gets 10x stronger when I’m excessively stressed. My fiancé just handles it all in stride, though mine is higher than his (not ridiculously so, but a fair bit). So it’s totally normal. There’s actually some kinda study thing that gives a “why” some people get hornier when experiencing high levels of stress… if I can remember where to find it I’ll post it.

  16. When I get stressed, where ever I maybe, at work or home, if my SO isn’t around, A quick masturbation session in the bathroom works for me…as well as on sleepless nights

  17. It’s the opposite for me. Sex drive takes a nose dive when stressed. But it comes back with a vengeance when the period of stress ends.

  18. Not unique. It’s one of my coping mechanisms. It’s even better when it’s with someone you love and trust.

  19. This is a coping mechanism, you’re trying to control your emotions or dopamine by using a physical thing you think you’re more in control of than the actual emotions themselves, it’s a bit of an avoidance tactic.

  20. Nope, I noticed my sex drive goes up when I experience times of low self-worth. I had one day when it was really pronounced, and I masturbated 8 times. Didn’t even hurt afterwards, either.

  21. When I’m stressed I wanna dominate a boy and hear his crying or I just wanna get comforted by someone dragging me to bed kiss my forehead

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