You guys that can blow multiple loads a session, what gives you the will/motivation to go back in after finally achieving your first nut? I’d like to get to a point where I can nut at least twice a session, but three times would be ideal. Any advice would be appreciated.

  1. Practice and a willing partner. You have to remember its all in your head, if you think its over? then its over. For me it is just like pushing thru a foot race, you have to tell yourself your not going to quit and keep going. Can’t give up.

  2. I had a breakthrough in my mid thirties and can now usually ejaculate at least twice with fluids. Occasionally will hit a third orgasm but with little fluids left in the magazine.

    For me, it’s hard to say if any specific thing helped the most, but I was struggling in my marriage with a much higher libido than my wife and so I was experimenting with abstinence/chastity devices to try and control/suppress my hormones… Intent was to strike a better balance, but if anything the chastity play and shift to not relieving myself regularly exacerbated my libido spikes… Somewhere in all that, my baseline level of arousal and sexual tension grew, and I began having night emissions. Then I had my first involuntary ejaculation while fully awake in the daytime while caged and unable to get erect, but imagining sex… That was shocking but it felt amazing. Later that evening I was able to orgasm/ejaculate not once but twice in succession while caged and without touching myself, just exercising my mental capacity to build and sustain my arousal/tension build to a spilling point.

    Experiencing and practicing orgasms without touch helped exercise my mental capacity to not eliminate, but overcome my natural refractory period/response to orgasm… Basically I’m too horny to be stopped when I put my mind to it.

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