My bf’s birthday is coming up in a month and I’ve been wanting to get something better for him with the help of his friends. For context, we’re both college students, and we’re a long-distance couple who live in different continents. I’ve met a couple of his friends last year, but I don’t know any of them well. (For yet more context, I have really bad social anxiety so I probably made an odd impression to some of his friends.) Anyway, right now I’m in the process of messaging his friends about the group gift idea. So far one is on board, and while I feel that the more participants the better (for a higher money quota), I’m starting to worry about what’s appropriate. My worry is that I might invite friends who don’t know each other well, which would end up being awkward when the gift will be delivered. I’m picturing my bf’s friends who aren’t familiar with each other needing to awkwardly meet up and give this gift because I wanted them to. Or maybe the gift will just be mailed to him, but I almost feel like I would be taking his friends’ money in that case — of course everyone who bought the gift would be acknowledged, but I’m worried if it’s too impersonal or what-not. Last year my bf had a birthday party where most of his friends were invited, which could be a good way to accomplish this, but I don’t know if he’ll do it again this year (I haven’t asked).

I get the impression that my bf’s friends probably know each other at least a little. I’m just not sure if it’s enough for me to carry out this plan. Since I’m the one starting this plan, I want to make sure I don’t mess up by getting ahead of myself or anything. I’m hoping to get some advice.

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