I know that I’m attracted to women. I fantasise about having sex with women. I like having sex with women. I’ve had feelings for women.

However, how about men? I’ve never had any feelings for a cis man, unless you count the crush I had when I was between 11-14. But, was that just comp het? I never really knew him. I never thought about kissing him, or any cis boy/ man for that matter.

I have had crushes, and feelings for trans men, but that was before they transitioned, and came out. I never knew. I knew them to be women. More on the masculine side, but not that masculine. Like, Kristen Stewart. I’m not not attracted to masculinity. I’m just not sure I’m attracted to men.

I’m not particularly attracted to men, unless you count Zac Efron as a teenager, or Legolass. I never fancied Orlando Bloom without long blonde hair though.

When I have sex with men I don’t cry, and I’m not disgusted like I hear some lesbians say. I just feel nothing. I can’t get off. I’d rather not be doing it, and I can’t get sexually aroused enough to let them put their penis in my vagina. I even feel nothing when I’m given oral, and I love oral sex. But, maybe they are just the wrong men? However, I don’t feel like this when I’m with a women. Sometimes, it feels like magic. Sometimes, I really like it, even if I’m not particularly attracted to them.

When I was a teenager, I would plan my life out with a man, but when I would shut my eyes and think about sex all I could picture was another women.

Maybe, I’ve thought into it too much?

Maybe I haven’t met enough people, because I’ve been isolated since I was 16, due to anxiety. Maybe, I just haven’t met the right man yet?

  1. You’re a lesbian, embrace it and celebrate it, it’s totally normal and ok! As I age I am getting closer to that myself. I yearn for women far more than men, but I still do enjoy men so I consider myself bisexual. If something ever happened to my husband I would turn lesbian though.

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