tell me your story about aturity, how you guys became more mature, i m 22, and i really feel that i m not and people do not take me seriously, i talk everytime (laughing), i cannot start a serious conversation, i feel aslo empty inside, do not please tell me to be who you are, but i really have to change and dont know how.

please help me, because that affects me and my social life, do not let me to live the life that i want to live or even enjoy it.

  1. For starters, your brain isn’t fully developed until you are 25, so don’t panic. You will still grow and change some more!

    Therapy is an option. They can ask the right questions to find where you need help.

    Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman will blow your mind. That man is a great teacher regarding emotional regulation and how to interact with others. If you are into reading.

    Lastly, look on meet-up because there are a lot of groups that meet to practice speaking in public, you could learn some stuff there too!

  2. I’ve pondered this a couple minutes… I would describe maturity as ACTIVELY putting people’s needs before your own. Parents and some spouses demonstrate this. “Immature” partners are usually selfish, right? Actively initiating helping your parents would be recognized as mature.

  3. Do some volunteer work at shelters or for habitat for humanity or what have you. Do some temp work on construction sites. Talk to new people every day.

  4. Go to work every day (manual labor). Make sure after 8 hours preferably 10 you are sore and tired. Work on the weekends, not because you want to but because you have to. Pay your bills and realize you only have enough money for gas to go back to work. Put up with the A-hole that’s been there for a while and dishes out a ration of shit on a daily basis because you’re not as jaded and miserable as him. Go home to your wife who complains that you never take her out and buy her nice things anymore. Go to sleep have the best dreams wake up way too early before you get to do the awesome thing in the dream. Drag yourself back to work, and like most of us old dudes rinse, repeat…………you will definately become more “mature”………Or you can just be goofy, silly, immature or whatever and look for friends that are the same. Life kicks the puppy out of you at some point. Enjoy being a puppy for a bit.

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