My GF has been up north since last Saturday to see her family and friends. She’s coming back Tuesday night.

The last few days, things have been fine. She’s been telling me how much she misses me, how much she wishes she hadn’t gone for do long and that she loves me.

She called me for a video call yesterday, and we spoke for a bit before I had to help my dad out.

She seems a bit distant now… I asked her how last night had gone (she went for dinner with some friends). She saw the message, but didn’t respond. I didn’t push. She sent me a message this afternoon asking of we still had some things here… And she just seems off.

Should I be concerned?

  1. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe she was just really tired yesterday, or maybe she was going to respond but something came up and she forgot to. There are so many factors that could be the reason for her distance, ultimately you’ll just have to wait and see how she acts when she returns.

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