
  1. Apparently, I was gay all throughout high school. Despite my personal certainty that I was completely straight.

    I was really shy and didn’t flirt. It was also the mid-1980s and I was a science nerd and was worried that HIV was going to destroy my generation so I sort of became a safe sex advocate and gay rights advocate. I guess that meant I had to be gay. When I went to parties, I brought condoms and left them by the drinks.

    Imagine everyone’s surprise when I went off to college and stopped being shy and became kind of a player.

  2. In high school, there was a rumor that I’d had an abortion. I’d never had sex – not even close. I didn’t even know what a penis looked like.

  3. In highschool my friend accidentally started a rumor that I did heroin. I didn’t do anything about it cause I didn’t care if the other kids thought I did heroin.

  4. People at school thought I was both gay *and* psycho.

    Didn’t have a girlfriend, didn’t flirt, and had damn long black eyelashes – everyone thought I was using mascara. Had no reason to deal with it, since the rumors didn’t affect me.

    The psycho part.. eh, they got me there. Looking back, I was clearly not in the best mental state.

  5. People thought I was gay in high school since I didn’t date. This was the mid-90s. Never mind, I didn’t date guys either.

    One of the guys who accused me of being gay the most and made fun of me for it came out as gay after high school. I am now convinced pretty much anyone who is vocally anti-gay are just in denial and trying to convince themselves otherwise.

  6. Probably not the most fucked up but the most recent.

    So one of my work colleagues told another that I said he stole some milk from work. I was confronted and also my work supervisor was brought in. I said that thats absolutely not true and that if he stole milk I didnt care, as thats his business. After that he seemed okay with my response and I thought it went away. He would not say who the snitch was.

    So the next day after thinking about it, I worked out who the snitch was. Now about 2 months earlier I had said to him that I suspect somebody was taking milk as there was none in the fridge but no names as I didnt know who. Literally I just want to make a fucking coffee.

    Anyway, I spoke to the guy who confronted me and said I knew who the snitch was and he confirmed it. But he’s still angry at me. Its pathetic.

    This is men older than me in their 40s and the snitch in his 60s acting like children and its festering away.

    How Im dealing with it: Just do my fucking job, be professional even if they dont want to be. Other people are getting drawn in and I just let them make up their own minds. I know the truth, I dont need to convince anyone one way or another.

  7. While I was in high school (2002-2006) there was a rumor that I was going to “Columbine the School”

    I ignored it.

  8. Diagnosed autistic in elementary school, special ed faculty wrote in official records that I’m totally non-verbal and need help going to the bathroom. I think they did it so they could get more pay.

    It made getting into college a pain in the ass.

  9. I don’t mind people spreading rumours about me.

    It’s when the truth gets out then I’m screwed.

  10. People thought I was a stalker and a sexual predator because I shared about being a child sexual abuse survivor

  11. When I was 19 a rumour went around town that I was a playboy entertaining ladies of a certain age. Little did they know, I was entertaining their husbands…

  12. I had a Job a few years ago that was pretty toxic. A lot of the wankers at work would do little more than hang out back smoking cigarettes.
    One night the boss pulled me into the office and accused me of always being out the back smoking and I dont even smoke, nor do I hang out with smokers. Boss man wouldn’t believe that I didn’t smoke, he had “several eye witnesses”, so I told him then n there to shove his job up his ass of he’s gonna be so blind as to what goes down in the workplace.

  13. That I got into an argument with the VP of Engineering at the computer company we worked and that I punched him in the throat. When confronted with this incident, I just told them what really happened.

  14. The summer before 8th grade a friend of mine made gay posts on my Facebook, I was young and made a stupid password and he was able to get in my Facebook. It was a very awkward first couple of weeks of school. Luckily I got a couple of girlfriends that year and one of them was a girl I took from him.

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