I broke up with girlfriend M26-F26 but don’t know how to proceed with life forward

Hi. M26. Recently realised after trying for 1 year that the relationship in question has to be let go. It was of 2 years. Hurt a lot, because I loved this person and somehow due to various reasons it just crumbled. Was previously in a relationship with someone for 4 years and that ended the very same way and although I felt like shit after that, i took my time to grieve and after that worked towards myself and found the second person. Although I have the pattern visible in front of me that i found someone for myself even when a very serious relationship ended, I’m somehow not able to assure the same to myself this time… I also feel very worried about the fact that will i be able to find someone for myself because I feel like the clock is ticking and time is running out and i don’t wanna end up being alone…

TL/DR; Been through two serious relationships that ended but this time not able to use the past experience as reference to compose myself..

1 comment
  1. Your goal should be to be happy with yourself. You broke up for a reason right? If it was the same as the last relationship maybe Learn what the reason was. Learn to be alone and not be dependent on being in a relationship, learn what makes you happy while you are single. If you are just focused on not being single you aren’t going to end up with your forever person . you’ll be settling because your focus is more on getting A partner instead of getting THE right partner.

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