I walked into work and said good morning to everyone the two ‘managers’ didn’t even look up to acknowledge I was there.

  1. brush it off. You never know what is going on in someone’s life, and if they are rude all the time, then you realize that is their personality, and you set realistic expectations. Don’t let anyone dictate your mood.

  2. I was going through a difficult stage and was told by my colleagues one morning that I was miserable. It made me wake up and from then on I greeted everyone. It may have been a bit over the top, but it worked. 😀

  3. I would have to create a throw away to answer this question in a comprehensive way but, I genuinely hope you develope a healthy coping mechanism for not getting your greetings returned.

  4. It depends on who and how rude. If it’s a friend who is rarely rude to me, I wouldn’t care and ask then if they’re okay but I wouldn’t make a scene out of it.

    If it’s someone who makes a habit out of being rude, I’d call them out on it. “What do you mean by that?” “Why would you say that?” Etc.

    If it’s someone I’ve never met, they’d have to be really rude before I started to care. I might walk away from the situation and roll my eyes, but it’s nothing I’d lose sleep over.

  5. I have a horrible temper (yes, I have tried anger management) so I remove myself from the situation immediately. If I’m on a plane or something, I try to meditate

  6. lol if that infuriates you, gl.

    i also sometimes don’t notice getting greeted when i walk into office cause my mind is already on the next task, if they are rude after they notice you, fuck em

  7. If others are consistently rude to me, I’ll aim to limit my time around them if possible. If I can’t avoid them, like they’re colleagues or my manager, then I’ll just do the bare minimum and be civil but not overly friendly. Life is too short to care so much about other people’s problem.

  8. UH, I don’t say good morning to everyone when I walk in. People are usually quite busy on calls or work. But we tend to say goodbye/good night. I don’t expect everyone to acknowledge me in the morning tbh and I’m usually quite engrossed in my work and not intentionally avoiding. Sometimes, just really focused and busy.

  9. Earlier me would be extremely sad if the people were those who were a bit close to me. Life has taught me to develop a thick skin and the less we let others behaviour affect us the better it is for us. And once such people are not able to affect us with their rudeness they generally move on to people they can affect like the earlier me.

  10. I ignore most people, act oblivious to some, and to others I say, “rude!, Anything up I need to change?”

  11. By matching the energy.

    Edit to add that if that’s the worst thing that happens to you, you have a very easy life

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