For guys who usually pays for dates in a long term relationship / marriage, what’s your reason of choosing to pay instead of go Dutch with your girlfriend / wife?

  1. Because I’m scared my mom would magically appear with a rolling pin and knock my head loose for making my partner pull out money or a card. It’s not that I think it looks bad, it’s that mom thinks it looks bad.

  2. Our finances have been joint since we got married and I’m the sole bread winner for the home. But how it usually goes down, she’s the one that pays… just comes out of OUR account.

    What’s funny: when we first started dating, I was unemployed and she paid for everything. lol!

  3. Even though I’m married, if it was my idea to go somewhere, it seems weird to make someone else pay.

    Also, getting a bill split is a pain. “I’ll get you next time” is a better system.

  4. After getting married we combined finances so there isn’t a she pays I pay. But when we were dating I mostly paid because I made significantly more than her and like going out. She did other stuff like putting together a picnic or something like that.

  5. All of our money gets pooled together. There is no separation.

    I use the card simply because I find it polite to handle those things for my wife as she has some social anxiety.

  6. I’m a guy and she’s woman, also I make a lot more than her so I always feel bad when she pays for anything

  7. When we dated, it was the expectation the guy paid. We didn’t do anything fancy, so it wasn’t much trouble at all.

    Now married I pay because she wants me to pay… from our joint account, which is the same money.

  8. When I had more money I d want to she may not of been able to afford to . All so if doing something I want to do she going with me I ll pay hopefully she ll enjoy it want do it more

  9. There’s no “My money” in a marriage. If there is then….I don’t know what to say because I have zip experience with that.

  10. Free trade agreement. Sometimes I’ll pay, sometimes she’ll pay, sometimes we’ll play credit card roulette with the server. Just makes it easier for one to pay instead of having them split it up.

  11. If I get dinner, she’ll get breakfast. If I get a gift, she’ll do something for me.. and so on. That’s how it usually goes with me

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