What’s the problem with women who sleep around?

  1. None

    The only people who have a problem with this are the people not sleeping with them

  2. Nothing really. But if a man wants a monogamous relationship that’s not the kind of person they should be dating.

  3. Nothing.. None of my business who they sleep with or how many. We only have one life. They can spend it however they want.

  4. There’s no problem with anyone who sleeps around. They’re just fulfilling their needs without being committed to anyone imo.

    And also, it’s none of my business. It’s their life and it’s their choice and I’m no one to judge or comment on them

  5. Nothing as long as it’s consensual. Though everyone should be well aware of the risks and consequences.

    Even with protection there is a possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or pregnancy.

    A future partner may find a person that’s extremely promiscuous to be a deal breaker.

    There’s also some evidence that shows people that have many partners often have less success in long-term relationships. Though that could be correlation and not causation.

  6. Nothing. None of my business.

    I wouldn’t date someone who is overly promiscuous but there’s nothing wrong with them as people; we just have different views about sex.

  7. I view sex as a sacred and intimate expression of love between two people, and her sleeping around is evidence that our views on sex aren’t compatible. It’s not a *problem* per se, it’s just that I’m not going to waste my time.

  8. As a person? Nothing.

    As a potential partner, it affects my ability to trust her.

  9. If you’re talking about tyw context of long term relationship, well, chances of divorce become higher, the more people one slept with. Just 1 more partner other than 0 and it skyrockets.

    Besides that, potential for STDs, mental health issues (due to abuse or some other related reasons), emotional baggage, etc. all become more and more likely.

    Apparently, there are also some claims that it becomes more difficult to bond with your partner, when you have a large amount of sexual partners and it apparently affects women far more than men, but both are affected by it.

  10. As long as it doesn’t affect me I don’t care what people do to themselves .

  11. i’m sure this will get downvotes but i’m taking the bait and just being honest

    when i was younger i thought nothing

    i thought women were just like men and could sleep around in their 20s then settle in their 30s and be the same as any nun or girl who married virgin at 18 except they got the benefit of having fun first

    but now that i’m a bit older as i look around anecdotally the old saying “can’t turn a h* into a housewife seems true bc the one’s i know who slept around before marriage also got divorced.

    don’t get me wrong , majority have gotten divorced, regardless, including those who married young.

    but the few i know who didn’t divorce are the ones who weren’t promiscuous and had strict values. wish it weren’t the case but it’s kinda the old “when the worst person you know makes a good point”. – most religious people in my experience are the worst, but unfortunately in my experience they’re at least right about that.

  12. There’s no problem. However it doesn’t make the person a bad guy if they don’t want a partner who sleeps around. They could see sex as something sacred/bonding, or be fearful of the increased risk of STDs that come with sleeping around.
    On the other hand, someone may view sex merely as something fun and have no qualms about someone sleeping around

    It all depends on the guy

  13. well….nothing. Their body their choice. Howerver…..


    So there you go OH……

  14. Women aren’t like men and they can’t handle sleeping around. They aren’t designed to have casual sex to be honest. Biology fights them on it. Plus a woman that sleeps around isn’t respected. Don’t get me wrong I love hoes, but I wouldn’t make one my girlfriend or mother to my kids.

    Men have never valued promiscuous women outside of sex. Women who sleep around are like women who sell sex/sex appeal. There’s pros and cons to doing it. Just don’t be upset when dudes don’t want to take you serious……well the dudes you’re attracted to.

  15. The women I dated who I knew had a… um, very high batting average, those relationships didn’t tend to last. It’s not that I necessary felt any different about them, its just I’ve learned as I grew older that many women who have slept around prior to meeting me didn’t tend to form stable relationships. As much as I wanted to assume I was going to be their Prince Charming, in reality the same personality traits that caused them to move around didn’t suddenly change once I was in the picture.

  16. There’s nothing wrong with a woman who sleeps around. She can do as she likes and live as she wants.

    She cannot, however, demand that men love all her choices and ignore what “what she likes” and her living “how she wants” reflects upon her.

    The big issue is that even in this modern dating paradigm, we assume that women who want long term relationships are in the mental and emotional place to have them. What you come to find out from real-world experience is that a person who spent all their time playing around in their 20s and early 30s doesn’t have the first clue about being in a relationship. There is probably a lot of work and experience they are missing they need to catch up on to match the energy and experience of someone who has been interested and engaging in relationships that entire time.

    With a promiscuous woman, the assumptions we hold about women often no longer hold true. With most women, we assume and talk about women as if their sexuality must come after an emotional connection, and maintaining that connection is paramount. But if she slept with a bunch of guys, is that really true? What is her relationship with sex? How does she really view it? Can she engage consistently in a monogamous relationship and be truly content with it, or is her sexuality powered by the novelty of different men?

    Women ask these questions about men in a different form: “am I just another notch on his belt?” “Will he stay faithful?” “Will he keep up the romance?” And if a woman looks at a guy who has a hundred partners and gets any inkling she’s just number 101 and bounces, everyone accepts that and applauds. If he comes off as sleazy, if his words ring hollow because of his history, we support and salute women who turn away from men. Men can do the same.

    In the end, there’s a values dissonance between the man who has to earn his way into the adult dating market by making himself successful and stable because he did not get to party his way through his 20s and the woman who is looking to retire from a high-octane sex life. She’s looking for a place to hang up the clear heels and mini-dresses, he’s looking for someone who will wear them for his benefit. That’s not a match, and that’s okay. But if the man makes a mistake here, it could cost him everything. It’s trope beyond trope for men to get caught in dead-bedroom situations; to sign up for one sex life and get another past the first year or so. Men ought to be prudent with life-partner decisions.

    I’m not saying be mean to promiscuous women. I think people should do the opposite. Be nice to the hoes of the world. But we’re talking about the rest of someone’s life here. They need to double-check whether their partner is who they say they are because old habits die hard. Men ought to make sure they’re comfortable with who their partner is, how they’ve run their lives, and how they’re currently running their life.

    The only reason this is a conversation point is that all of the above is really inconvenient for women who were promiscuous in their youth.

  17. Don’t have one. I just don’t think a relationship probably wouldn’t work between us.

  18. My male friends that used to sleep around were very exhausting people to be around. As a result, I’d try to be around them as little as possible…. There is more to life than getting laid.

    You do what makes you happy (as I could honestly care less). We’re obviously just different people that prioritize different things.

  19. not open to an open relationship; but no hate if that’s your thing; we’re just going to be friends is all. body count of a partner is something I try not to think about, not sure I could handle knowing it’s a large number.

  20. Nothing is inherently wrong with people who sleep around, but people who do have promiscuous sex have different values from those who do not.

    Its easier to form long term relationships with people who share the same values.

  21. I’m suppose to be the one that is question on infidelity by my partner , not the other way around.

  22. I don’t know. What’s the problem with men who *moan* and *complain* about double standards that punish them, and then turn right around and apply double standards to other people?

  23. Do you want a serious answer to this? I hope you are prepared.

    It has to do with what is easy and what is difficult.

    If I bench press 200lbs as a man, maybe some people will be impressed by it, but most will not care. If a woman does, it is generally considered more impressive.

    If the top male MMA fighter in the US beats up the top female fighter, nobody would bat an eye. Heck I would guess most would be angered by it. But if the female messed him up, everyone would be impressed.

    So now, if a woman of average attractiveness goes into a bar and sleeps with a bunch of men more attractive than she is, nobody is impressed. If a man of average attractiveness sleeps goes into a bar and legitimately gets a bunch of gorgeous women to sleep with him, both men and women will be impressed.

    This is not a double standard because men and women are completely different when it comes to sexual access.

  24. Not a thing. In fact, I’d wager that they are very good for sleeping around…

    By the same token, what’s wrong with a sheet metal screw? Nothing. Just don’t use it for lumber

  25. As an individual, nothing.

    If I was looking for a life partner, I’m not touching her with a 10ft pole.

  26. I don’t have an issue with them, but depending on if their past involves infidelity I’ll struggle with trusting them.

    It’s a sign of lack of self respect as a man or woman to throw your body around.

    Why do one of the most physically intimate acts with people who you haven’t developed an intimate relationship with?

    Is she making me work for it, while others were able to get her with minimal effort? If so, I won’t have a serious relationship with her.

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