So i quit watching pornography for the last month but since then i have no sex drive at all. When I did watch i had massive sex drive. Today I had a really good looking chick come over but I couldn’t get it up at all. By the way Im eating healthy, working out regularly in the gym, playing sports, drink about once a month but there is no sex drive at all. Its like i would rather do something else than get intimate with a girl and thats happening for the first time in the last 4 years since i lost my virginity. It seems to me that its not testosterone problem cause i have energy all day and i rarely feel tired even after finishing my job and workout. Its like I dont even want to have sex. What could i do to raise my libido? Maybe introduce some food?. If you have any advice please write it here, I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks in advance guys

Edit: I am a smoker by the way, smoking about 10 to 15 cigarettes a day

  1. 99% its mental from what you say
    Try to masturbate with her and let her watch you to break the ice

  2. I’m not sure porn is the issue. There could be something else going on. The 2 main sources for answers are counselor but that’s longer term mental health and the doctor. It does sound like your t-levels are good from what you’ve said but there could be a lot of other things going on. I recommend getting your blood work done.

    The most likely culprit is anxiety of whatever has you distracted. Agree that masturbating together might be a good next step.

    Also remember that your hormone levels will fluctuate throughout life. I went through a period where I wasn’t that horny. It did not last long.

  3. I feel like porn just fucks up our brain chemistry so much idk how but I just feel like it does, maybe u got off to it so much that you forgot what real life was like ?

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