I’m dating a guy for over a year now. He plays 1 particular game a lot. I saw him chatting with a girl on it. He said things like: youre different then other girls. She said things like: dont you watch my picture every evening before going to bed? In which he responded: yes ofcourse and: I will look at your picture very soon, I promise. He also smiles when he is chatting with them and doesnt respond when I say something because he is so invested in the conversation. What would you guys think if your partner does this?

  1. I think if this is bothering you it’s time to have a discussion about it with your partner.

  2. It would be a no from me.

    I know some people don’t count this as cheating but if my partner is seeking out attention from someone else or is more excited to spend time with another woman over me – whether they are physically intimate or not, that is crossing my boundaries and disrespectful in my eyes. If something is missing in our relationship then the effort they are using on someone else they should instead be putting into our relationship and communicating their needs so we can fix it, or they should just end the relationship. They can’t have both.

    I would never seek out the attention of another man if I felt something was missing in my relationship – I would try to fix the issue or leave. Also I am a firm believer that if I am developing feelings for someone else to the point where I am more excited to see and speak with them than I am my partner then that is a big sign there is something lacking in my relationship or that I need to end it.

  3. I mean, that’s flirting and if you tell him it bothers you he should be willing to stop.

    But in my experience as a woman who plays online games, it’s probably not any genuine romance between them. I’d be willing to bet their whole guild flirts with her. And each other, mmo boys are gay af 🙂

    You should ask him if you can play with him. Even if you don’t stick with it you should get to know his world and his friends a little.

  4. Honestly, I gamed and never have been this invested with people. So then I could also not understand people would fall in love over game. I think they are probably kidding. If it bothers you, go talk to him. If it makes you feel any better: it will probably never extend to the real world.

  5. This is emotional cheating at best. People can game together without that lowkey flirting. Move along and leave dude behind.

  6. Big yikes, first of all because he’s cheating and secondly because he does it in a game, cringe af

  7. I would consider this cheating.

    You should have a conversation with him regarding your boundaries. And clearly define what you consider cheating.

  8. Nope, he is cheating or have an intention to cheat. Nothing to do with been a gamer. I would confront him about it if I were you

  9. Huge waving red flag, most likely there is more going on. Also if you were in that girls shoes you’d be devastated. Cut your losses and move on, he isn’t who you should end up with.

  10. Change the context where it is him having the same conversation just on the phone.

    If he’s not actively talking about the game he is playing then he’s basically on a phone call.

    He’s flirting with another girl online. He also just happens to be playing a video game at the same time.

    Pull the plug.

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