I’m not going to do anything with the info. But as a woman, we’re made to be more
Cautious. I haven’t dated much,
But the little I’ve dated I’ve been ghosted a couple of times. And leading up to that,
The men give me their last name,
City, previous city they lived in, sometimes
Where they work, their kids names,
Send pics of kids, places they frequent, etc

Now I’m no crazy person. And I wouldn’t do anything with the info. It’s just knowledge
That I now know of them. And then when they ghost harshly I can’t help but wonder
Why they shared so much with me
If they were going to be so weird.
Bc as women we’re much more cautious bc saying no to a guy, or ghosting, etc could cause us issues or stalking etc

Men aren’t careful: they act as if women can’t be dangerous too. And as a mom I hope
My ex is careful About what he shares as far as kids go..

  1. Men don’t have the same safety concerns that women have since we’re generally large and stronger so we aren’t as cautious with our info.

  2. They weren’t planning to ghost when they gave you that information. And they’re not psychos who would consider using someone’s personal information that way, so they haven’t considered you would do it to them.

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