I have recently realized that a lot of the people in my life project their insecurities onto me, or project about other things. I have recently called a few of them out on it by asking why they are projecting and they responded in a super defensive way and essentially got very mad at me. I have apologized but I am wondering if anyone knows how to deal with someone who is projecting? Should I acknowledge it, or should I just leave it be?

  1. People are different and react differently. There is no one way to interact with all humans. Experiment and find out what the best ways to interact with each individual is

  2. In situations where you feel uncomfortable about something someone says, it’s important to be respectful and to try to avoid accusing others

    Instead of telling people that they’re projecting their insecurities, you can just state the facts and use “I” statements to describe how you feel. For example, instead of “You’re just projecting all your insecurities on to me!” You can say “When you say statements like that, I feel (frustrated/hurt/etc) because it feels like I’m being unfairly targeted/judged”

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