So basically, I’ve noticed skid marks in my partner’s underwear as well as some pieces of poo around his bum when we’re being intimate. It’s not that he’s an unclean person or anything…it happens to the best of us.

But when I notice it there in the moment it just really takes me out of it. I don’t really want my face that close to dingleberries…

Anyway, we’re not all perfect. How do I ask him to go wash up in the moment without making him feel bad?

  1. Be kind and direct. Ask him to shower before you have sex. Tell him you notice his booty is not clean enough and you are worried for your vaginal health. Honestly, his hygiene isn’t good if you notice this on a regular basis. I have been hearing the craziest stories lately about grown men not knowing how to wash their ass.

  2. I don’t blame you and I would suggest showering, even together, before getting busy. I get your point of “it happens to the best of us” but as an adult, it should not be a regular enough occurrence to be an issue.




    I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

  4. “It’s not that he’s unclean or anything”

    Yes he is unclean, clean people don’t have this problem. And just ask him, personally I would leave because that would repulse me but you do you

  5. I feel like this does *not* happen to the best of us, especially not as often as you seem to imply 😭

  6. This is why using a bidet / portable bidet / water jug and then tissue does wonders 😩 I would feel sick honestly. If you notice it in his underwear he probably has too and shrugged it off

  7. I feel like “skid marks” in his own underwear should be noticed by and be a big enough indicator to him to do a better job. All sorts of no on this

  8. Introduce him to a bar soap and wipes. I always took a shower before I had sex make sure my ass was clean because my wife liked to give me oral. So just the fact that she’d be down there and could smell anything would weigh on my conscience

  9. He is an unclean person. Clean people don’t have dried poo on their skin, this doesn’t happen to the best of us. I would shower with him beforehand and wash him myself.

  10. This… does not “happen to the best of us.” Tell him you’re not having sex unless he has a clean ass. What in the world.

  11. Why do we keep seeing this? I’m a guy and there’s never a skid mark in my underwear. Not even as a kid.

    Damn, if the TP still has shit on it, that means you still have shit on “You”. It’s not rocket science wipe until the TP comes back clean.

    Also I typically shower before sex, because who wants sweaty parts all over them?

    But damn if your ass is dirty, you aren’t clean.

    Damn, damn, damn.

  12. I’ve heard some men say that they don’t clean his anus because they feel gay… So stupid.

    Just tell him: clean that poop around your bum because it will bring you a lot of illnesses to you and me. Be direct if he gets mad, honey he has such a big problem.

  13. You need to be up front. Say you’ve noticed his underwear is dirty and your concerned not only for his health, but yours. Get him a peri bottle, bidet, or wipes. If he refuses, that’s just plain gross.

  14. That would be a one and done for me. There is nothing…absolutely NOTHING…normal about this. He is textbook unclean, and it doesn’t happen to the best of us unless you’re having sex in between literally shitting yourself and the waddle of shame to the nearest shower.

    Depending on the shit, TP might not do quite a 100% job, especially if you are a dude and have ass hair, but skid marks or dingleberries are unacceptable, wet wipes are a thing, and I’ve even used sink moistened TP/paper towels in a pinch.

    Here is what you should tell him:
    1) No shower = no sex
    2) Use razor or beard trimmer @ shortest setting around his poop hole. Sounds extreme, but it really helps.
    3) Wipe between legs, while seated, back to front. You said yourself you never learned how to wipe properly. I will admit that was a later in life change for me and it has helped.
    4) Wet wipes at home and your place.

  15. Buy him flushable wet wipes, maybe the kid friendly packaging will set him straight.

    I recommend the package with Disney characters

  16. No. These things only happen to the worst of us. What the actual fuck. At least shower before being intimate

  17. “You need to wash yourself more thoroughly and properly before we’re intimate, if not I can’t continue.”

  18. My girl has a big butt and this happened. I just straight up told her. We ended up buying a combo shower head with a hose.

  19. How can someone be so clueless and unaware of their own body? If I’ve taken a shit that day, I’m gonna shower before a man goes down on me regardless. Like this is just grown men not being responsible or grown at all. Have some fucking respect before you put your shitty ass in someone’s eyesight.. pathetic and gross. It’s not gay to care about the condition of your junk before you go resting it on your girls forehead.. Jesus Christ. Why is this happening. I never wanna date again. This isnt cool

  20. “He’s not an unclean person.” Ma’am, there are feces around his ass on more than one occurrence. That is an unclean person.

  21. ‘It happens to the best of us’ ?

    No it fucking doesn’t! Wtf.

    Why do people make excuses for men who can’t manage the bare minimum of person hygiene. Unless he has medical issues contributing, that is not normal, just gross.

  22. Do people really have sex with someome who can’t clean their ass? Is this a troll post? Am I the only one in the entire reddit who doesn’t have sex with people who are not potty trained? Human fecies are a biohazard

  23. Just be like bro! Wash yo ass!!!! That way it won’t be any misunderstanding. Ijs

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