so my ex (20m) and i (19f) broke up last week after being together for two years.he said he didn’t want to be in a relationship with me anymore, because i was “holding him down” he said that he still wanted to be friends though (more like use me for benefits, but not commit.) i declined his suggestion, and went into no contact. i hadn’t blocked him on social media, and he ended up seeing a post on my story of me out on a date. he then proceeded to spam me with texts, calling me names, and overall playing victim, and being jealous…yet he claimed he wasn’t bothered or jealous.
what does that mean? did he text me to be rude, or was this his attempt to get me back?

TDLR; ex contacted me after seeing me attempting to move on, does that mean he still wants me?

  1. He just wants to control you and while he may not want to date you right now, he doesn’t want you to be anybody elses. He’s shitty.

  2. It’s the typical: he doesn’t want to be tied up but still have sex with you. Now he is trying to get you back because he thought you would be sad.

    Block him.

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