We’ve been together for 2 months. It’s going well and he seems really in love with me. He wants to see me every time he cans and texts me all the time.

The only problem is that he has a lot of female friends. Like half of his friends are female friends.

I’m his first relationship. He kissed a lot of girls before me, especially his ex female best friend which he cut contact when he met me.
He sometimes goes to parties where some girls he kissed before our relationship are present. He always tries to invite me and texts me and snaps me every 20-30 min while in the party.

Once he went to a party, and had to sleep next to another girl that flirted with him in a room full of people, because he had a cast and couldn’t sleep on the floor (there was no other room). Someone accused him that he flirted with her, but he told me that he didn’t, and that she tried to kiss him but he rejected her. I decided to trust him but I had some issues since that night.

I also found a selfie of him and his friend with her head laying on his shoulder and posing for the selfie.

Last time, he came back from hanging out with the boys, and told me he felt sick and asked for medication to his ex bestfriend because she lived next to where he was at that time. I don’t know why but I got very suspicious and took his phone and snooped through it. He tried to take it back from me but I continued because I was sure there was something wrong in it.

When I opened snapchat, he had deleted the texts with her, but I managed to find it. He indeed asked for medication, but then they proceeded to talk and do jokes to each other, and she called him to know if he made it home safely and if his mom was there. I began to cry. He got mad because he said I didn’t trust him instead of apologizing for deleting his texts. He said he deleted it because he knew how I would react. He then reassured me and told me I was the only one he loved, and that would stay the same for a long time. I then went to a party and got so drunk i blacked out and the next day my bf got mad.

1 week later, he saw a female friend which he hadn’t seen in a long time in a birthday party. This female friend then invited him to her house because she was throwing a party.
The problem is he arrived super early, and other guests were late, so he stayed alone with her for 2 hours in her house. He kept texting me every 20-30min and sent me pics of him and his friend.

At some point, he thought I was ignoring him so he got upset and when I saw that, I told him he had no right to be upset since he was alone with a girl in her house for 2 hours. He was a bit drunk. Then he got even more upset because he told me he was doing everything to reassure me but even that wasn’t enough. We argued all night.
The next day, I apologized for my jealous behavior, but I told him to put himself in my shoes. He got upset again and told me he wouldn’t mind because he trusted me , but I would probably be so drunk i wouldn’t answer his texts.

Instead of reassuring me, he got upset when I told him that I didn’t like the fact he was alone with his friend in her house.

How can we resolve this major issue ?

TL;DR : My boyfriend acts weirdly and gets mad when I tell him I’m jealous

  1. I dunno, it sounds like he did everything right when he was alone with that girl. The snap incident is annoying but you saw the texts, there was nothing racy going on. You’re pushing him away.

  2. Sounds like he does reassure you all the time. What more do you honestly need? Over time you’ll learn that jealousy only causes problems. If he’s cheating, there is no point in acting jealous because you should be done with him. If he’s not cheating, then you acting jealous is just ruining your relationship.

    You gotta find a way to calm your anxious mind. If you’re going to be in a relationship with someone you have to trust them until they break that trust. Maybe there is something, maybe there’s not, but you really should give him the benefit of the doubt until you have actual facts. I don’t have enough data to make a call about this and neither do you.

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