How do I move on from a rejection from a girl who I love?

  1. Text your friends and go out this weekend. Just keep planning stuff and getting yourself busy. After a while, you will cope with the fact, heal and just move on.

  2. It’s not “love” if you got rejected, it’s “lust”

    Love is reciprocal.

    It sucks, but obviously she’s not the perfect fantasy match you’ve created in your head.

  3. You’re absolutely sure there is no chance you’ll ever be with her, and you’re actually ready to accept it? In that case I’ve been in your situation and unfortunately the only thing that worked for me was to stop all contact, I quit hanging out with her, I quit calling/taking her calls. And over a lengthy period of time I just quit thinking about her, I can’t pinpoint exactly how long it took. She was one of my best friends for more than 10 years

  4. Stop believing in the retarded idea of “the one”. just get the girl with bigger boobs instead and be done with it.

  5. Like others have said, time. One day you’ll look back and wonder why you cared so much.

    You might even see them and wonder why you even found them attractive in the first place. Just be kind to yourself, learn from the situation, try not to dwell on it and let time do the rest.

  6. Did you love this person? Or just felt truly attracted to this person? To me personally I’ve only ever felt attracted to ONLY 5 Females. Just 5! That I found attractive. But love no.

  7. You can’t love someone who you barely know. You aren’t attracted to that person’s actual qualities, you are attracted to the qualities you picture them having.

  8. I’ve heard from several women “the best way to get over a man is to get under another one”. I guess getting on top of another woman should work.

  9. You move on. If you’ve ever lost an important match, game etc., you learn from it and move on. The best part of being 19 and in “love”, is that there are so many girls out there. You’ll find one. Although at your age it’s likely you’ll be put through the ringer anyhow lol.

  10. The time answer sucks of course (because, yes), but also a rebound helps. Bang it out with someone who knows that you are only looking for a hookup.

  11. Just wait for her to wreck her life, it’s happened to two women I know, I’m talking mental health, drug problems, the fact I don’t have those problems makes me “bhuwwaaaahahahah” in evil laughter.

  12. You have to both want it. You don’t want to be with someone that doesn’t want to be with you. That’s worse than being alone.

    Accept that and move on

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