One of my closest friends of around 15 years did this – we used to chat daily and meet up often. One day he just started only replying with blunt responses or not at all then gradually dropped off the grid. Never did find out why.

  1. My high school best friend. Cut us all off.

    The day after graduation, his AIM and email accounts were deleted and his phone # disconnected. None of us ever heard from him again.

    No clue wtf happened, my only guess is that he decided he wanted to make a clean break and never look back. When Facebook became a thing, I searched him out and found a profile that I was 99% sure is his, but my friend request was left on read — never even declined, just unresponded to.

  2. Yeah, drugs. He was getting high on pills all the time, he asked for money a few times. I helped him twice, third time said I couldn’t. No argument or anything but I haven’t heard from him since.

  3. Rehab. She had some crazy stories when we were close, but then ghosted everyone. Pops back up and “oh, I was in rehab, then my mom had me committed.”

    Now she has some crazy rehab stories.

  4. Best friend from high school, whom I rarely saw after the year I attended college, decided at some random point that I was unworthy of his time. Another friend from high school did the same thing, so I’m not sure if I’m awful at picking friends or just really unlucky. As far as I’m aware, I never really did anything to either of them that warranted a response of that sort.

  5. I’ve cut a lot of friends out of my life cold turkey. I find most people incredibly stupid, boring and annoying.

  6. I got the slow fade from one of my closest friends from high school.

    Just move on you’re not gonna change their mind no reason to get hung up on it.

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