I sat with a couple friends and the girl I like at lunch today, but I only got to talk to her for a little bit, but she seemed really nice today. A few minutes after lunch, she texted me on snap and said “Heyy __”, I said “Hey, what’s up” Then she just said she was gonna ask me where her friend went, but I remember that they left lunch together. This is the first time we’ve messaged each other over snap, and the only thing I’m kinda confused about is her texting me instead of her friend.

  1. Make conversation again at some point in the near future, but be cool about it. Good luck king.

  2. I typically channel those feelings into the friendship, it’s always worked out for me in the end for me.

  3. Well then get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it’s together.And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know, take it to the shit store and sell it, or put it in the shit museum. I don’t care what you do, you just gotta get it together.

  4. The friendzone is somewhere you put yourself when you’re either unwilling or afraid to be honest about your feelings, or unwilling to take no for an answer.

    Have the confidence to be up front about what you want and the respect to take whatever answer she gives, and you’ll never end up there

  5. Talk to her, get to actually know her! Don’t do the same mistake as me and ask her out. I waited so long to actually ask her out and she ended up with someone else

  6. 1. Order popcorn
    2. Poke penis through bottom of popcorn container.
    3. Share popcorn with girl and see how she reacts when she finds your dong in the popcorn
    4. Have bail money ready in case she’s unimpressed

  7. You sound needy, you gotta flip the tables.

    Tell her you thought she was fun at lunch and see if she’d be cool going on a double date (where she’s not your date)

  8. You’ve only been friends for a couple months. Who gives a shit if you lose the friendship? Ask her out.

  9. If you have enough confidence and you feel that she also has some feelings towards you then just go for it.

  10. That’s pretty normal. Just put those feelings aside and continue to be a friend. If I dated every person I had a crush on then I’d have a very complicated love life. A crush isn’t a big deal, they come and go.

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