Hi, I (F16) am in a relationship with my boyfriend (M16) for 4 months and i deep down know he is not “the one”. I love him a whole lot and I love and enjoy spending time with him but i know he is not the one with whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. There is no reason why i feel this way, we match pretty well but I just kinda know it.

The problem however is he is really head over heals for me and he is sure that I am the one for him. He says that I am perfect for him and that one day we will move in together, get a dog, going to concerts together, etc. and then he always looks at me with those eyes full of love. I think it is very cute but tbh I feel a little bit pressured by all his words, i don’t think that i am as perfect as he claims. It feels like he doesn’t see my imperfections and only sees the good in me. I once told him I had flaws too and then he laughed and said: ‘If you have flaws then you are very good at hiding them because i don’t see any’

I feel so bad that I don’t think that he is the one but i don’t want to break up because I got really attached to him and still want to put in effort in our relationship and enjoy every moment with him + he would be so heartbroken if I left him or even told him that i don’t see us being together forever. Life is long and we are only 16, it is my first serious relationship with someone I really care for and idk what to do. I am such an egoïst for staying with him altough I don’t love him as much as he loves me. It feels like I am leading him on. I don’t want to hurt him.

Wtf should I do? T T

  1. I actually had almost the same exact situation when i was ur age too! i broke up with him and i don’t regret it one bit. you don’t have to stay in a relationship just because nothing is “wrong”. if you know you don’t have the same goals and visions just break up! you’re so young it won’t really be the end of the world for either of you <3 hope that doesn’t sound too harsh i don’t mean it that way but, if he wants a secure future like that and you don’t, it’s best to just go your separate ways

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