How would you feel if your significant other were to wear a shirt with an AR15 on it stating “I’m just here for the violence”?

  1. If he wore it to a wedding I’d be upset, but otherwise it sounds like an ironic tshirt that is kind of humorous because my husband is non confrontational, non violent.

  2. Feels like I’m making an appointment with a neurologist because that’s a complete 180 and I wanna make sure he doesn’t have a brain tumor.

  3. People I date know how I feel about guns, I can’t imagine this ever happening and they know it would kill our relationship.

  4. Hahaha I am married to a punk and he wears way more offensive shirts than that. I just shrug and move on. The whole point of it is to piss people off and shock people, so if you just laugh, the power is lost.

  5. I wouldn’t care…to an extent and depending on where we are going. I am a second amendment advocate. So it would somewhat bother me because that is exactly what gun ownership and rights are not about. But I am also a freedom of speech advocate so…

  6. I’m not going to say it’s an immediate deal-breaker, but it would be hard to recover from that level of ick. It strikes me as something a wannabe edgy teen would wear.

  7. I mean we are a gun owning family, but even I would find a choice like that strange and out of character.

  8. Not my type of humor so it would probably spark an interesting conversation. I have a shirt that says “not fragile like a flower but fragile like a bomb” which could also initiate an interesting conversation. I would try to give them the benefit of the doubt to explain their reasons for finding the shirt as something they found humerous/statement making.

  9. I hate guns and don’t date men who hunt or have guns so I would be really surprised if my boyfriend had a shirt like that.

  10. I’d find it funny because where I live all guns are banned and we haven’t had a mass shooting since the 1940s, so it’d just look really weird lol

  11. I would roll my eyes at the cheesy t-shirt but it wouldn’t make me feel any special way.

  12. My boyfriend owns guns and I’d still question him significantly if he wore that shirt.

  13. I’d ask him wtf was wrong, because that’s so out of character it isn’t funny.

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