Why would she do this? Feel like she just wants someone to chat to rather than actually meet up for a date.

I’ve tried a few time to arrange seeing her and she dodges the question or ignores me

  1. >I’ve tried a few time to arrange seeing her and she dodges the question or ignores me

    How do you know this person?

  2. Maybe she likes the emotional support she gets from talking to you but she’s not interested in dating.
    Or maybe she feels it’s too soon to date you and wants to know you a bit more before than.

    I’d ask her if she expects to eventually get on a date with you. If she tells you no or dodges the question, tell her you need to preserve yourself from getting hurt and you will no longer communicate with her, wish her the best and say goodbye.

  3. She probably using filters on her pictures and dudes had probably ran off on her in person. But she needs that human interaction to make her feel desired. You are probably talking to an image of a person you would not want to talk to after you meet.

  4. I am guilty of this. I did this to someone and obviously it isn’t a nice thing to do someone and I have guilt about it. At the time I was freshly out of HS and the man was older than me. Old enough where my parents would not approve of the relationship. Seeing him in person would of gotten me in huge trouble; therefore, it made me really hesitant and anxious to see him. It was easier to meet up with dudes that my parents would approve of age wise. Now that I look back, it is an asshole thing to do.

  5. My current gf texted for 7 months before agreeing to meet for coffee lol. It didn’t bother me because I enjoyed the texting. She was not a catfish.

    If it bugs you I’d move on

  6. Dude, she’s fucking with you and your not even getting laid, Why even talk to her more?

  7. I’d move on bruh, better to meet chicks in real life anyway. Or set an ultimatum…

  8. Nope. If they’re not willing to meet IRL, it’s a 🔚 for me. 🙅🏻‍♂️

  9. I have the Rule if we don’t meet in person within 2 weeks then I drop them like a bad habit. Sounds very fishy that she doesn’t want to meet up after talking for a bit.

  10. Sounds like she just wants someone to chat with. She has no intention of ever meeting you. She probably is in a relationship just now and hasn’t told you she is just catfishing you 🫤

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