Quite possibly the nastiest thing about me is that I don’t remember, and couldn’t tell you if it’s been a week or 6 months.. Going to go wash it after posting, at least I’m hydrated!

This is assuming the average person carries the same water bottle around with them like a kid with dummy, like i do.

Update: I’ve learnt that I’m disgusting, I’m also a weirdo that uses a different bottle/container for each different liquid I drink, and some people are very angry that I don’t just drink out of a glass cup like them!

  1. Every few days. I put a denture tablet in there and let it sit with water for ten mins.

  2. Way less often than I should! Maybe once a month when I happen to be filling up from the kitchen tap, I’ll give it a rinse out with soap as well.

  3. Everyday, it’d be mad not to! I’m talking about the sort you drink directly from, rather than sports bottles, where any bacteria from your mouth/saliva doesn’t get into the bottle itself – in which case I clean the mouth piece every day.

    You can get seriously nasty infections [requiring heavy duty antibiotics] if you don’t wash your bottle regularly, if not every day, then at least every other day! Particularly in hot weather.

    Go and wash that bottle! 🙂

  4. The inside not as much – but I have a removable lid with a mouthpiece. That I wash more often as I find it can get stank fast!

  5. I have no idea… I don’t usually carry one around with me, but even worse, I have one on my bedside table so I don’t have to get up to get a drink… it could be days before I even change it let alone wash it… think I will be tonight 🤢

  6. Everytime I refill it….I call it the “sooky bottle” and it makes this horrible kissing sound from the spouty bit. I always unscrew the top and drink like a cup when I’m outside, but on my own I don’t, due to spilling. But yes, a good wash before every refill.

  7. Regularly . . I switched to clear water bottle for this reason, so I can see through the straw and clean it properly. . Previously I had a coloured plastic one from Costa and the straw was difficult to clean – hand washing and even dishwasher wouldn’t clean it properly, Randomly just one time noticed how black the inside of straw was and had to get a long brush to clean which couldn’t do it fully either.

    > before anyone suggests it I don’t like the metal style water bottles or those with no straws.

  8. Every couple of weeks I drop a Milton sterilisation tablet in there and then rinse it out.

  9. Hot soapy scrub with a brush every day, dishwasher it once a week. I’m kind of squeamish about things I eat/drink from.

  10. Mine is more like a flask with a narrower neck rather than a straw, so I tend to pour water from it than drink out of it. Saying that, I probably wash it far less than I should on this basis

  11. Every day when I’m doing other dishes. All those articles about how filthy they can get traumatised me (germaphobe clean freak)

  12. I throw it in the dishwasher maybe every three months. I rinse it before filling it. I have a silicon straw that I wash with dish soap and a long pipe cleaner a couple of times per week. I don’t drink directly from my water bottle.

  13. I literally can’t remember the last time I did that, several months at least

  14. Do a lot of people have an “everyday water bottle”?

    I just drink out of a glass, but maybe that’s due to working from home.

  15. I usually don’t until I notice floaty bits in my squash (really don’t like plain water), even then it’ll take a few ‘notices’ before I act. It’s not killed me yet and sometimes it’s been months.

  16. Once a week in the dishwasher and a boiling water rinse if it smells, it’s made of stainless steel

  17. 3-4 times a week, but I used to only clean it when it smelled/tasted funny. That was until I got so violently ill from drinking from it that I had to pull over to chunder while driving to work

  18. I don’t have to clean a water bottle if you don’t have a water bottle

    [black guy touching his head]

  19. About every three days with a brush and hot soapy water. I thought that was bad, so you guys making me feel better about myself haha.

  20. I wish I hadn’t read these comments. It’s only got water in, how can it be dirty?!

    Maybe once a month I’ll remember to put it in the dishwasher, but usually it stays in my bag overnight and gets rinsed and refilled in the morning before work, so I don’t ever really.

    I’ve never got sick from it in years of doing this!!

  21. After every use. I wash the bottle and use a straw cleaner on the spout (if that’s the right word- the folding bit your lips actually touch).

    I’m a voice actor so my water bottle is also surgically attached at the hip lol (gotta stay hydrated to keep those mouth clicks at bay!)

  22. I don’t even have an “everyday water bottle”.

    This thread has made me realise I perhaps need more water.

  23. The inside almost never as it’s stainless. The mouth piece as soon as it looks funny. My work bottle (bike specific) is essentially disposable and I need to replace it

  24. I rotate 2 water bottles so one is always chilled in the fridge. I have learnt today that I should be washing them *waaaay* more often than I do.

  25. I don’t have a water bottle, but I have a water cooler in my fridge and last time I took that out and cleaned it, I think it either had the cause for every major disease known to man or the cure for them.

  26. I try to do it every few days, but it’s very easy to forget.

    It became quite apparent to me recently that I needed to improve my game on this when, having just taking a swig in the gym, I noticed that there was black slime mould around the mouthpiece! 😱🤢. I realised I couldn’t remember when I’d last cleaned it!

    I’ve improved since then and now make sure I check how it’s looking regularly too!

  27. Wait… your supposed to clean it??? I figured putting water in it and drinking it naturally rinsed it 🤔

  28. I feel disgusting now. I can’t remember the last time I washed my water bottle. I leave it in the fridge in work and just fill it up when it’s empty. I’m going to bring it home Monday and give it a good wash.

  29. I have several, which I rotate every week (or two weeks) depending on my schedule- being a shift worker makes it hard to make time to clean it.

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