My girlfriend (F19) recently told me (M19) her friends have talked about wanting to have a threesome with her. She told me that her friend says she thinks she’d be ok if I participated. But i can only touch my girlfriend. To me that sounds very uncomfortable. But I’d feel fine if everyone was open to everyone. that way no one can be jealous of anyone if everyone is with everyone.

What should I do? I don’t feel ok with her just fucking her friends but if I were included I would feel better about everything. Is that fair? I’ve never even had a threesome before.

P.s. just a little background. My girlfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half and she’s been friends with these people for a year idk if that helps

  1. Pretty easy.

    1+1 = 2

    2 is always good in a relationship, 1 means there is a indifference and something shouldn’t be done.

    Tell her you either like the idea or you don’t and based on that she should respect your opinion. If she is on the same page as you, perfect. If she isn’t then there is a problem and you should talk about that.

  2. Sounds like your girlfriend’s friend really just wants to fuck her. Also that agreeing to this proposal would be a horrible idea.

    >What should I do?

    Talk to your girlfriend about boundaries and why she’s entertaining these conversations in the first place.

  3. There is no “should” when it comes to feelings. Feel what you feel! You absolutely do not have to chameleon yourself to match someone else’s desires, no matter how much you may love them.

    I think it’s reasonable for you to assert that you’re comfortable with three somes, but only if you’re included and “everyone is with everyone”. Have a discussion and see if your girlfriend can support that boundary or not 🙂

  4. I think this needs to be settled between you and your girlfriend. And see how you both feel about it.

  5. Threesome and foursomes are great, but only if everyone shares the same mindset about it.

    If y’all can have an open discussion about what everyone would like to do and can agree on eachothers boundaries, then by all means. But IMHO, it already sounds like there are too many variables that could go sideways and better to just say no/ you’re not comfortable with it.

  6. I think if they want to have a threesome they should be picking someone not already in a relationship.

  7. This does not sound like a good idea. The very position of the friends being okay with it if you participated is disrespectful to you to begin with, as you’re the one your girlfriend is in a relationship with. They should be asking you who you’d be okay with participating and touching. They don’t get to try and insert themselves into a relationship and then put up requirements where you’re only allowed to touch your girlfriend as if you’re the outsider.

    Even if they were to suddenly say they’re fine with being touched, the sex would likely be awkward and their focus would solely be on your girlfriend. They’ve already indicated that she’s their priority and that you’re not. This is not a healthy way to approach a threesome and will lead to hurt feelings.

  8. Sounds like they asked her to join and you’re a limited spectator. Nope.

    I wouldn’t be ok with this either. You’re not being asked to participate they’re trying to convince you to get to your GF. If your GF doesn’t tell them, “no thanks”, then I’d reconsider the relationship. She’s supposed to be loyal to you first. She should also consider how much time she interacts with these friends.

    I’d be pretty offended if some of my girlfriends asked me to do a threesome and wanted to exclude my GF. Simply because it’s rude as hell to ask someone in a relationship to cheat.

  9. not very respectful of your girl to keep those friends, especially if they said something like that and you’re not ok with it

  10. WEIRD. They probably wanna steal u from her smfh they’re waiting for y’all to break up as a woman I can tell you that rn, they are not to be trusted

  11. Is this female friends of hers or male? If the first… Weird but i guess okay? Except the fact that they are setting the boundaries, as opposed to you and your GF setting them. If its male Friends its weird as all hell. And the rest stands as written but holy moly that sounds uncomfortable!!!!

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