I had only 2 friends in high school.Recently I was invited to the farewell party since high school ended this year for my grade.My friends aren’t coming and I only know a few of them a bit but not exactly friends.I have 0 conversation skills and want to get involved there but don’t know how.I started reading “How to win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie in the hope to gain some insights.Pls drop in some suggestions for this introvert with 0 conversation skills.Since the party is in 3 days,pls reply fast

  1. You’ll never see these people again, so make a fool of yourself and have fun

  2. Read SM. Pick up on what you find interesting and what folk generally finding chatworthy. Nothing about religion, politics, disease or famine. It should be upbeat. An example would be a new film. Read up about the plot line, characters, who’s in it, who’s making etc. say ‘It sounds interesting’. ‘You think you might want to see it’. ‘What do they think ? Good luck.

  3. Why aren’t your friends going?

    You have to ask yourself your motivation for attending this. They essentially are highschool acquaintances.

    Are you intending to make friends for the summer? Just enjoy the party for the food and whatever conversation comes up? Are you practicing your social skills for college?

    It would be helpful to know what you’re hoping to get out of it.

    Beyond that, you’ll have to be comfortable ‘busting through barriers’ and joining a group of people already talking. OR, you could look for the people who seem to be outliers (like yourself, somewhat) who didn’t come with a crowd or aren’t that close to people, and strike up a great conversation with that type of person, moving from one to the next at intervals. (Lots of the conversation will revolve around ‘what are you doing this summer’ and ‘what are your plans for the fall’ etc.)

    As with ANY social situation, having a ‘hint of a smile’ on your face makes you approachable, and lighting up a BIG smile as you greet someone is a great way to start. Plan on coming with EXTRA social energy because you won’t make an impact unless you have some of that.

    Most important word of the day: ENTHUSIASM.

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