
We are in a long term relationship with my fiancee for over 6 years. That means that most of people who know us are aware, that we are together and we do things together, including couple that is soon to be married and is throwing bachelor / bachelorette party. The couple that is getting married are not our super close friends, we like each other and we have partied together a lot but we’re not super close.

This week I have got an invitation to join bachelor party, but my fiancee did not get invitation for bachelorette party (both are happening). It seems very odd for me, as we have only met with them together, and all our contacts were as 4. It seems almost insulting, to be honest.

My first instinct is to not go to bachelor party, because I consider my fiancee and me as one in terms of social event and I think either she should get invited or none of us should be invited.

Is it dumb of me to assume that my fiancee should be invited? Is this overreaction?

  1. This is an interesting problem. Assuming your fiancee is cool.

    You got your invite to a men’s only party from the groom. Your fiancee can never be invited there. So nothing wrong from the groom’s side.

    Regarding the bride. If she isn’t interested in your fiancee then there is nothing wrong or to do here.

    So you can go to the party. We can be best friends with everyone after all.

  2. My understanding of most bachelor parties is that they are VERY wide-ranging. Lots of guys get invited. (I’ve even heard of guys NOT invited to the wedding who got invited to the bachelor party.) The reason is oftentimes there’s some fund-raising for the groom, possibly friendly gambling, just an opportunity for guys to kick back in a major guy-type way. So they don’t care who comes, the more the merrier.

    For women it *can* be different. A lot of times it’s only close friends of the bride and tends to be a smaller type of event.

    So this scenario doesn’t surprise me and wouldn’t offend me.

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