My husband went abroad for two weeks of work conferences and wasn’t supposed to be back until early next week. But he surprised me by coming home last night, skipping the last few days of social activities including some nice sightseeing I know he would have enjoyed. He brought back two Jellycat bunny plushies – one each for the twins I’m carrying (nearly 20 weeks pregnant now) – and even got a cuddly teddy bear for me! Barely an hour later, when I was lying flat on my back in bed, I think I felt the babies move for the first time… He didn’t, but he was elated just to be around when it happened.

Just wanted to say I’m so grateful to be sharing this beautiful experience with such a great guy in my life. We had two miscarriages previously and he knows I’ve been terribly antsy with him away, even for such a short time. After eight years of marriage, I didn’t think we’d ever have kids anymore with the trauma of the miscarriages; even now it’s a fear that’s always at the back of my head. But it’s all becoming more real by the day as I see my belly grow and how increasingly excited and involved he gets. He works really long intense hours, like 12-14h a day, so all the more I appreciate how hard he tries to make time for us. Can’t wait to have the little ones in our arms and witness how their daddy will be fawning over them. <3

  1. I love this for you guys! It’s so sweet he was able to surprise you…and that he thought to bring you all something. It’s always the little things that make the biggest impact. Hope your pregnancy is going well.

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