Whereas I(38M) not a perfect Greek god taking my woman to orgasm every single time, i do want to try and get there. But my partner (33f) is not so interested in exploring different possibilities of sex amd she just wants to do the deed and be done with it and never talk about it. What do i do?

  1. You need to talk with her about this in a normal setting (not in bed). Tell her what you want to try and why, talk about how it makes you feel and ask her what she wants our of this.

    Having discussions about your sex life with your partner is important.

  2. You need to talk about it, in a non-threatening manner. Outside of the bedroom, when neither of you are trying to take things to the bedroom, so to speak. Open the conversation and make it clear that all you’re wanting is to understand her thoughts and feelings on sex. No judgement, do everything you can to make her feel like this is a safe conversation to have and you are a safe person to have this conversation with. Once you understand where she is coming from, you’ll have a better idea on how to proceed.

  3. Was she always like this? How is the chores responsability arangement?

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