So my boyfriend got back from a trip recently, and so obviously we had missed each other and well, you can figure out the rest. Anyways, my boyfriend is pretty big, and while it sometimes hurts a bit, I’ve never had pain after sex aside from maybe being slightly tender.
However, today we were going at it a lot harder then usual, and for a lot longer (multiple rounds). And I’ve been finding my stomachs been sore since. I never have had this before, I’m wondering if it is just because of how hard we went?

I’ve just been using heat on it, but I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if it’s normal?

  1. Anytime you do anything physical, sex or otherwise, that exceeds your normal limits there will be some soreness. You are putting muscles into an overload situation and they are going to complain. It sounds like it was worth it though. Day after you have big time fun like that take time to give each other a massage, That releases some of that lactic acid build up and helps get over the soreness quicker. Then again that can also generate a few more rounds.

  2. I was with the same girl for a long time and sex was painful for her on multiple occasions. Sometimes it was straight up my fault for not being careful enough, sometimes I was just at a weird angle, it happens

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