To make a long story more compact, I recently started venting to my fiancé about lack of oral foreplay in our relationship. I’m someone who goes down on her quite often but she rarely returns the favour.

I confronted her about this, and asked why she is so against oral sex and she essentially said she didn’t like the texture of penis in her mouth. I shower every day and practice good hygiene. I understand if it was hairy and smelly and was repulsive smell wise, but it’s not because of that. She just simply doesn’t enjoy giving me or any past relationships (from what she says) oral sex.

That said, she has been in a few lesbian experiences with her best friends and have gone down on them. I asked her, you are willing to go down on a friend, and eat her vagina, but your not willing to give me any oral pleasure?

She claims giving women oral is different and is more enjoyable and pleasant experience. I don’t really understand because women vaginas can vary greatly in terms of smell with the level of hygiene, and other hormonal factors. Even the best tasting vagina still has a slight odor and off putting (at least for me) texture.

My only guess is maybe their is trauma associated with giving men oral sex? Otherwise, I can’t really put together why she would be okay with going down on a women vagina but not my penis?

  1. My dude, she told you why she doesn’t like it and it has nothing to do with trauma –

    >she essentially said she didn’t like the texture of penis in her mouth.

    Dicks and vulva don’t have the same texture; it doesn’t matter how hygienic you are or how unhygienic you hint that women are. Quit grasping for any other explanation.

  2. She has given you incredibly clear answers on this. You don’t have to like her answers, but there’s nothing confusing about them. She said she didn’t like the texture. Texture has nothing to do with hair or smell. It’s about the texture.

    Going down on a woman and on a man are two very different things. Particularly because she told you it is about the texture that she doesn’t like.

    So obviously you are unhappy that she won’t go down on you, but she gave you a clear answer as to why. So you have to figure out now what you want to do with that information.

  3. You refuse to believe she doesn’t like the texture of penis whilst also saying that you find pussy to have *checks notes* an off-putting texture?

    It’s fine to want more oral sex but if your fiancée isn’t into giving it and you can’t/won’t go without it, you should consider whether this is the right relationship for you both really.

  4. >My only guess is maybe their is trauma associated with giving men oral sex? Otherwise, I can’t really put together why she would be okay with going down on a women vagina but not my penis

    She told you what it is very clearly. What do you mean trauma? Just accept that is not the answer you wanted .

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