crushing on a guy who i think likes(d) me and i cant date but the crush is driving me crazy.

I’ven (21) been crushing on this guy (21-22) ever since I met him two nearly three years ago, we met for like a couple of hours (with our families) and the chemistry and spark was amazing. When we met we apparently were in the same college but I never really knew him there and he remembered me from one econ class I took for finals revision, a year ago.

I’ve never had that with anyone before yet alone I’ve never really known anyone that was actually into me. I generally don’t get crushes easily, not a fan of dating never have, rather a work oriented kinda girl. I saw this guy today at his graduation and waved at him seeing that he had dmd me on Instagram just a week ago and he didn’t really wave back he kinda just awkwardly smiled it off but it was okay I didn’t think much of it , He was with his family i was with mine just during that interaction i just felt that he was shy. Later in the day ended up dm-ing his on his graduation post story on instagram. just with a little ‘congratulations’. (now im overthinking the situation maybe coming off too desperate idk)

But I’ve just been so hung up on this guy and today my feelings just went feral I mean my heart the whole day was just exploding out of my chest. He hasn’t been the greatest texter but has always been the one to dm first at first i didnt like him so i would kinda just shut him down. but over the years i have thought about him quite frequently. He literally texted me a week ago so i thought my texting and hand waving wouldnt be weird.

i dont know what to do, whether I should pursue this, ignore it. my friends say that its red flag and it might be but ive just never felt the way i felt with him, or known who anyone who was visibly into me

TLDR: should I dm this guy I have a crush on despite him being not so respondent and after a potentially awkward interaction of me waving at him but him just awkwardly smiling and turning away.

1 comment
  1. Wait, so the red flag your friends claim is that he is a bad texter to you even though you constantly shut him down???? IF that’s the case then wtf did you expect lmaoooo, if I am wrong then pardon me

    But, the solution to this is telling him your feelings lol.Just be honest and plus men love it more when the woman makes the first move. And if he’s truly shy and you constantly shutting him down zero chance he pursue you so you will have to make the first move or move on and set your sights on someone else.

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