Sorry if this is long, I’m trying to make it as short as possible. So I (24f) recently opened a tinder account and matched with someone (24m)I thought I had a lot in common with. He did seem like someone I wouldn’t normally go for based on some of the pictures (parties, drinking etc), but I decided to give it a try anyway. After a couple of days I messaged him and the conversation was nice enough and we agreed to go on a date. He did warn me though that for the next month he would be very busy, as in basically working 7days a week to be able to save for a vacation he has coming up but that he would try to find time for me. The first date went great, though it was short since he forgot he had a babysitting gig that night. The second date is where I am not really sure if something went wrong or not. He hadn’t slept that day at all since he went out and went straight to work and then from work straight to our date. I asked if he wanted to reschedule and he didn’t. We were having a nice time, but I notice he started making the conversation a little bit more sexual which I didn’t mind too much but we both agreed that we were looking for a longterm relationship. As we were leaving, he asked to hold my hand while he walked me to my car. I was admittedly pretty tipsy, and asked if I could kiss him. It was nice, I thought, and I asked when can I see him again and he said he would have some time during the week but for sure not the weekend. He texted me after the date to tell me he hd a great time. During the week he didn’t text me at all so I decided to just text him and he told me he got really busy and wouldn’t be able to take me out this week but that as soon as he sees an opening he would take me out. During the rest of the week we texted a bit, nothing too mayor and since friday night I haven’t heard from him again. I decided to text him Tuesday morning to hope him a nice week and a good day and he responded with the same. Now, he is going on a two week vacation in a couple of days and I haven’t heard from him again. Should I try texting him? Because although he did say he would be super busy, I still get the feeling that maybe he wasn’t feeling it anymore so I don’t know if I should just flat out ask him or just let him ghost in peace.

1 comment
  1. I mean you lose nothing in asking him and save the time waiting for him to ghost you eventually (if that’s the way he’s thinking). But he did warn you in advance this was gonna be the case so I don’t think it’s a major red flag. All in all I wouldn’t say it would be crazy to text him to ask him what’s up, maybe arrange a meeting after he gets back?

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