When i asked her out , she said ” she not being able to make time”. But i saw that she went out to meet few of her Male friends (or on a date idk) to nice expensive fancy places.

Now she’s asking me when am I free, I really don’t what should I do.

I like this girl but I won’t able to take her to nice expensive date. What I planed was a nice drive and eating and walking in the streets. And after I saw thoese pictures I feel like she won’t like such a date after all, I guess.

I want to take her out but now I’m a bit afraid and I don’t know should I meet her or just that I’m busy now.

  1. “I’d love to get together with you, grab a sandwich from somewhere, and go on a nice walk. Let me know if you’re interested. I’m free [dates].”

    Don’t make assumptions about what activities she is or isn’t interested in. Just ask and find out. If she doesn’t want to do the above, she’ll either let you know or not respond.

  2. It’s so sweet that you still want to take her out, but is she sweet enough to go on dates that don’t require her to dress up in brands and flashy accessories?

    I’m in a similar situation, but I’m the one with more money than the guy I like. He’s so intimidated that he refuses to date me, but constantly compliments my personality and appearance.

    I personally like him for who he is, not what he has. But I can tell he’s fearful of spending money on lunch because he can barely afford a new toothbrush cap. So we typically go on long walks and plan study dates.

    Even though I come from a more privledged circumstance than him, I would love it if he asked me out, even on a free date—like hiking or watching tv on his laptop. I personally don’t brag about going to experience restaurants because I try to be humble.

    This woman you want to ask out seems a bit superficial in regards to the way you saw her eating at expensive places and posting it on social media. So, I would say yeah, ask her out so you can learn if you and her share the same values. But, don’t try to impress her with things you don’t have. If she doesn’t like you for you, then it’s her loss. Another woman that can appreciate a thoughtful man like you will be happy to have an opportunity with you.

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