Over the weekend me (21) and my gf(25) she recently got her period and all of last week I as scared she was pregnant she got a bit mad at me for worrying so much(keep in mind babies are very sensitive to her and she really wants one) thankfully she wasn’t and just got her period late. But over the weekend I got really sick and still recovering. My mom texted her and thanked her for checking up on me and making me soup, and my mom also mentioned about that to pls be safe and that our religion is against having babies before marriage( my mom is the sweetest person in the world) my gf toke it the wrong way below off on me and blocked me for the next 2 days. Yesterday she finally reached out and we talked and I felt the tension and she doesn’t want to see my family or step foot in my house for a long time cause my mom “stepped over the line” I was getting mad yes cause I’m a problem solver. And that she doesn’t want anyone telling her about having a kind and that she was raised to die things on her own and doesn’t need anyone( me has arguments about this baby topic before her saying she doesn’t need anyone’s help hurts cause she is basically telling me she doesn’t want me to be part of her life) we put the topic on pause cause I really wasn’t feeling good and she got worried and rushed me to the ER. We were there for hours and she dropped me off home around 2am and tucked me in bed and left. Today she texted saying we still need to talk and we will once I’m better. My mom has been apologize to me about this and never intended to her me and especially my gf. And my gf has a huge evo( she’s a Leo and Latina and I’m middle eastern) plus my mom has been going through hell lately cause my grandma has cancer. So like can’t my gf have a bit of sympathy and put her ego aside?!?! But it could be her period cause she gets very very emotional and has mad mood swings pls I need help on what to do. I’ve done so much for her u have no idea so this only situation is hurting me and I’m sick so yeah, we’ve been together for 3 months and in may it will be 4 months.

  1. gotchu

    j a suggestion, take what you want from it

    tell her you respect her feelings on this and you were worried because from your standpoint you don’t want your family to be upset with you. tell her how much she means to you and you’re sorry for overreacting and you’ll try to be better about communicating

  2. Bro you made my head hurty.. she’s baby crazy bro, no lady actually freaks out like that unless they’re desperately trying to conceive.

    I’d boot her but it’s your life bud 🤷‍♂️

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