I take a big deep breath, and hold it while tightening my stomach muscles (as tight as I can), then I basically do the motion of breathing out with my diaphragm while not allowing any air to escape your mouth. It’s a very uncomfortable maneuver, but it really really does work. It doesn’t matter how bad the hiccups are, it WILL take them away…. I’m qurious what everyone else does to get rid of them?

  1. I rarely get hiccups, and when I do they last only a few minutes and are never a bother. Iirc it’s basically your diaphragm twitching like any other muscle on your body would. Sometimes flexing it helps make it go away but usually you just have to wait it out.

  2. As weird as it might sound, eating ass usually helps, the smell is so bad your hiccups run away

  3. Humblebrag-when I get the hiccups it’s actually *hiccup* because I only ever get one. Since I only get one, when others are around me and that hiccup multiple times it makes my entire body feel awkward and I usually have to walk away.

  4. Focus on steady breathing and will them away. It always works and drives the wife crazy that I can do it.

  5. Drinking water from the far side of a glass without spilling.

    I read a long time ago that all hiccup cures work as a form of distraction. The far side of the glass version usually does it for me the first time.

  6. Repeat after me, either internally or outloud. “I am not a fish” repeat until the desired outcome of curing or preventing hiccups has been achieved. The educated reason this works according to scientists is because, mainstream science believes we evolved from fish at one point and the reason we hiccup is because of some super lost genetic trait, by reminding yourself you are not a fish, prevents and or treats hiccups. Stay tuned, and I will tell you a hack in case you are hesitant to sneeze but need to sneeze and therefore want to sneeze. “I am not a fish, I am not a fish, I am not a fish” (*halfbaked flashbacks*)

  7. Hold breath for your maximum ability (for me it is about 1 minute that feels like 3)

  8. get a glass of water and a paper towel. Lay the paper towel over the top of the glass of water and hold it tight. Drink a few swallows of water through the towel and the hiccups are gone. Works or your money back.

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